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mail not sending

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 5:51 am
by arunner
Hi all,

I've installed OpenEMM onto ubuntu recently. All has been well, as it works on localhost:8080 However, i cannot seem to get it to send mail. It just refuses to. I checked the log files which checked out, but I'm getting a lot of errors in the mail log like this:
Jan 31 21:41:02 ubuntuServer sm-msp-queue[12295]: unable to qualify my own domain name (ubuntuServer) -- using short name
and there's absolutely nothing about it alteast trying to send something.
I installed exim over sendmail, but now..I have another problem.
I also can't seem to get the file to start...again. su - openemm doesn't login. It asks for the pw..which I know..but it never goes through. Last time I had to find a work around like sudo and something else but can't remember. I tried both many ways. nogo on anything

please help as time is of essence,
if you have paypal, I will actually PAY YOU for help :)



Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 4:10 pm
by ramburn
I'm also having this issue. Is there anyone who has experience with openemm that can get us in the right direction.


email config

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 3:14 pm
by smj
hello, this is most likely because your server doesn't have a FQDN and probably no ptr record.

give your server a hostname like and then try an nslookup on your server IP - if it doesn't return a FQDN then you'll need to contact your ISP to have them specify a reverse lookup for your IP address.

Domain names convert IP addresses in to something we can remember

PTR records convert IP addresses in to domain names

often receiving servers will check for a valid ptr record as basic spam checking and some will reject those with no ptr - looks like your server is having a battle with itself because it can't find it's hostname and ptr record.