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Unsubscribe via reply-to-email?

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 12:21 am
by nick

I apologize if this has been covered elsewhere ... but I searched both this website and the documentation without finding anything.

Does OpenEMM support unsubscribing recipients when they reply to a mailing and put something like "unsubscribe" in the Subject: line?

OpenEMM already performs email processing far more complex than this, so I fear I am simply missing something. Perhaps there is an option that needs to be configured ...

Many thanks -- and thank you also for making OpenEMM open-source, so "the rest of us" can use it!

Re: Unsubscribe via reply-to-email?

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 8:52 am
by upstroke
This post is up a while. Have you find a solution so far?

I think a procedere like this would do:
- provide a form on your website by asking for the users e-mail address they subscribed with.
- the form sends the e-mail address to your openemm installation (IP or domain) for unsubscription.
- openemm sends out a conformation e-mail with a link that will unsubscribe the receptions from the newsletter with their agnid.

Is this somehow possible?

Re: Unsubscribe via reply-to-email?

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 9:52 am
by Anton
I am still a beginner but I am absolutely certain you can do this with a form and actions. You should read the relevant parts of the documentation - sorry I can't tell you exactly how but the system is powerful and this is almost certainly possible with these two features.

Re: Unsubscribe via reply-to-email?

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 11:10 am
by upstroke
Hi Anton

My mistake I have to post my question here: ... 0via#p4332