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OpenEMM 6.0.1 in CentOS 5.4

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 2:52 pm
by suvros

I'm trying to implement OpenEMM 6.0.1 in a CentOS 5.4 linux box. That linux box is previously installed with JDK (/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_16). And the command java is globally accessible. I'm facing a great problem. Everything works fine except mails are not going. My problem is described below with the steps I've performed to implement OpenEMM 6.0.1.

1. Installed OpenEMM following the instructions OpenEMM wiki for RHEL,
2. Installed the mysql, MySQL-python and sendmail-cf using yum install as described in OpenEMM wiki,
3. I've another RH Linux box running with OpenEMM 5.5.x, I got a sql dump of the database, and import it in the new linux box, in both the cases it was user=root, password=<blank>, database=openemm, host=localhost,
4. Run update_openemm-5.5.1-6.0.sql, update_openemm-6.0-6.0.1.sql, openemm_cms.sql (for this I've created a seperate db openemm_cms, and main database is openemm),
5. Changed for dbconnection credentials,
6. Changed web.xml for <database> ... <driver> for mysql entries,
7. Started OpenEMM, and created few mailings, and tried to sent them, but none of them reached mailbox, it shows mails are generated scheduled to deliver, but none of them reached any mailbox.

I'm a new hand in OpenEMM and not a good linux person. Can anyone please help me to run the application?

Thanks & Regards !!

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 5:43 pm
by maschoff

Thanks for the reply

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 12:05 pm
by suvros

Thanks for the reply, I've checked it and now test mails are being sent. Thank you for your help. I'm going to test normal mailing. I'll let you know if I've any problem.


Can not send normal mailing

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 9:11 am
by suvros

I've been in very strange problem. I can sent test mails, but can't sent any normal mailing. During investigation I've found the following in pickdist & update log files in /home/openemm/var/log folder.

[09.03.2010 17:00:55] 21041 ERROR/scan: Unable to get database cursor
[09.03.2010 17:01:26] 21041 ERROR/scan: Unable to get database cursor
[09.03.2010 17:01:57] 21041 ERROR/scan: Unable to get database cursor
[09.03.2010 17:02:28] 21041 ERROR/scan: Unable to get database cursor

[09.03.2010 17:02:21] 21007 ERROR/loop: Unable to get database cursor
[09.03.2010 17:02:51] 21007 ERROR/loop: Unable to get database cursor
[09.03.2010 17:03:21] 21007 ERROR/loop: Unable to get database cursor
[09.03.2010 17:03:51] 21007 ERROR/loop: Unable to get database cursor

I've given root as database user everywhere. 'agnitas' is also added with 'openemm' as password in database. 'agnitas' has been given all the privileges in database. Still it is not working. Can anyone please help me?

Thanks & regards !!

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 10:10 am
by joetraff
The link helped a lot.
The mailing function is okay now.