Hey, I had this same problem and I made the following changes to get it to work
Now maybe you figured this out already, I am new to OpenEMM but very experienced in tweaking code and debugging.
I in no way claim to be an expert but this should be *bumped* or something as this seems to be a very common problem.
First off , it helps to read the manuals but like most people we "don't need to fricken manuals!"
Okay so like was said before please check your settings
I see you know what file were talking about but in the interest of helping everyone here is a how to.
1) Relax I mean the hard part is over and now we will see heat maps from anywhere.
2) Go to the physical terminal/workstation/server/computer , remote or physical
( or for the bamfs ssh to the box ).
Most every set up should be the same on these steps, correct me if I am wrong.
3) Obtain root/sudo/-s permissions.
This my be unnecessary , when in doubt just be root. I noticed my files were opening in read-only mode.
3a) Most people don't know this trick its common with most OSs. If you copy the file to your desktop , open it , your most likely not in read only.
So you make your changes and drag n drop the changed file into the correct folder, it asks "you sure" and saying yes gives you temp root access to change it.
3b) I am well aware that this isn't always the case it just a little tip as its far easier than running elevated editors etc.
4) If you are confused or don't know how to get root access google it!
Basically you need to launch a text editor that is running as admin that then will allow you to save changes.
4b) If you cant launch a elevated text editor there is always vi.
Tip - quickest way in my set up: open terminal , sudo -s , enter pass , vi (LOCATION OF FILE)
5) Edit the following files :
These can be found in the following location. X:/home/openemm/webapps/core/WEBINF/classes
6) Now replace any lines that say :
7) This is where you would enter the proper link ie : http://166.70.120.xxx:8080
7b) NOTICE TO USERS - Again I am not an expert, I am new to open emm I have found I can get away without running dns on the server and keep functionality.
7c) So my advice here is to enter your correct domain and port ie :
7d) There should only be 3 lines your changing !
Save changes and reboot, again be sure the changes take before a reboot.
9) Test to see if heatmaps work again

10) Share this simple less than 10 step tutorial with someone and feel smart!