OS: Windows 2008 R2 Server
Mysql: MySQL Server 5.1
Running setup.bat ...Results:
Starting up .. home is C:\OpenEMM .. C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\MySQLdb\__ini
t__.py:34: DeprecationWarning: the sets module is deprecated
from sets import ImmutableSet
found codebase .. CAUGHT EXCEPTION:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\OpenEMM\bin\openemm.py", line 177, in <module>
for mskey in sorted ([_r for _r in agn.winregList (bkey) if type (_r) in typ
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
Going to try Phplist while i will wait for someone to help here
as i am total NEW to OpenEMM.
Thank you.
Windows 2008R2 Server FAIL to Install
Moderator: moderator
I have same problem.
Looks like its MySQL fault.
openemm.py from line 170 to 177 refers to windows registry for locating MySQL
But in that location in registry there is no MySQL key located
Im using Windows 7 x64 so it might be x64 MySQL version problem
PS. Sorry for bad english
Looks like its MySQL fault.
openemm.py from line 170 to 177 refers to windows registry for locating MySQL
Code: Select all
for version in ['5.0', '5.1']:
mskey = r'SOFTWARE\MySQL AB\MySQL Server %s' % version
mysqlhome = agn.winregFind (mskey, 'Location')
if not mysqlhome is None:
if mysqlhome is None:
for mskey in sorted ([_r for _r in agn.winregList (bkey) if type (_r) in types.StringTypes]):
Im using Windows 7 x64 so it might be x64 MySQL version problem
PS. Sorry for bad english