OSError when Starting for First Time ... In update.py
Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 6:37 pm
I am having the following error when starting OpenEMM for the first time. Running OpenEMM 6.1... The OpenEMM\var\log logfile has the following entry:
I am running on a Windows 7 client with full administrative priviledges on the machine. The MySQL database, et al supporting tools for this version of OpenEMM are all on the local machine. The database appears to be working fine.
Has anyone run into this? Does anyone have an idea for how to find the root cause of such an error?
Thank you!
Code: Select all
[25.07.2010 13:18:56] 3568 FATAL/except: CAUGHT EXCEPTION:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\OpenEMM\bin\openemm.py", line 480, in <module>
p_upd = pystart (schome + os.path.sep + 'update.py account bounce')
File "C:\OpenEMM\bin\openemm.py", line 444, in pystart
return os.spawnv (os.P_NOWAIT, args[0], args)
OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument
Has anyone run into this? Does anyone have an idea for how to find the root cause of such an error?
Thank you!