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Creating Dynamic Newsletter from external Database

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 9:29 am
by jonasgk

We have stored some preference data about articles in a database different from OpenEMM. Now we want to send a monthly offer, which should include 9 articles, which are specially chosen depending on the user. These articles can change every month and are individually.

Is it possible to query some external database directly from openemm and insert the received data in the mailing template? For example like this pseudo-sql (pseudo, because not normalized).

SELECT product AS product_1, image as pimage_1 FROM pref_products WHERE uid=$customerID LIMIT 0,1

SELECT product AS product_2, image as pimage_2 FROM pref_products WHERE uid=$customerID LIMIT 1,1

this data should then be inserted like other agnitas tags, for example like this:
[agnDYN name="product_1"/]
[agnDYN name="pimage_1"/]

So does a feature like this exist?