Port 8080 redirect to 80 not working right

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Port 8080 redirect to 80 not working right

Post by HTR »

So I scrapped the upgrade installation I had been working on since I had numerous problems cropping up and it was a new setup anyway.

I reinstalled on a fresh-from-scratch Fedora 13 and set up my redirect domain correctly in installation and changed it in the emm and cms properties files. I added the iptables NAT rule and have even redefined it a couple times using webmin.

My problem is that I can access emm.mydomain.com from outside of my network. From inside my network, though, it wants emm.mydomain.com:8080 and I cannot figure out how to get this to work. I have not changed any of the networking in place since I had the old installation up and running (and did not have this problem).

I would greatly appreciate any guidance that anyone may be able to offer.
