On M$ SQL Server and IIS?

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On M$ SQL Server and IIS?

Post by ep_admin »

Does OpenEMM work on SQL Server or IIS?

My IT department is Windows-centric, so we have an easier time getting SQL Server / IIS apps authorized.

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Post by maschoff »

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Re: On M$ SQL Server and IIS?

Post by unico »

We'd like to use MS SQL Server as our backend for OpenEMM. We reserved some time to try to get this working. How difficult would it be? Are there any show stoppers in principle?
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Re: On M$ SQL Server and IIS?

Post by maschoff »

OpenEMM does not work with MS SQL Server, only with MySQL.
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Re: On M$ SQL Server and IIS?

Post by unico »

I understand that it does not currently run out of the box with anything but MySQL and that you don't provide support for MS SQL Server. But since it is an open source project, outside contributors could try to modify the code to make OpenEMM work with a different database right? So that's what my question related to. How much effort do you estimate this would be? How deep does the tie-in with MySQL go?

Seeing that the Java part of OpenEMM uses Hibernate, my hope is that this part is merely a question of switching to a different SQL dialect. The python part could be more involved however.

I work for an open source company myself that is actively involved with many other open source projects. Once we have OpenEMM working together with MS SQL Server we will be glad to donate back the code.
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Re: On M$ SQL Server and IIS?

Post by maschoff »

OpenEMM's code does not only use Hibernate but Spring's JDBC Templates as well. Moreover, we have JSPs accessing the database directly via custom tags (however, we are refactoring this code right now). So, my hunch is that porting OpenEMM to a different database is a significant effort because you have to manually check all SQL statements or check the log for SQL errors.

How to introduce support for another database will be clear, however, if you have a look at the DAO layer, since some classes are already prepared to support Oracle (for our commercial product).
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Re: On M$ SQL Server and IIS?

Post by xmarin »

i need install openem with SQLServer, anyone has a good idea or any example??

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