validation of email adresses

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validation of email adresses

Post by maxwell »

right now, if someone subscribes to my mailinglist he can basically use any text as his email-adress (like "blablabla") and my mailing list would accept that.

Also: Lets say a company signed up for the newsletter with Then, sometime later another person from the same company who doesn't know about the first signup also signs up with In this case all the profile Data which was collected before on this email adress will be overwritten. Ideally, OpenEMM should tell teh User that this Email adress is already on teh subscription list. If you want to change its profile please enter your password (or sth. similar)

Has anyone a solution for these validation problems?
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Post by maschoff »

For your first problem you can write a little javascript for the form on your website like this:

Code: Select all

function check() {
  if (document.subform.EMAIL.value.length<8 ||
  document.subform.EMAIL.value.indexOf(".")==-1 ||
  document.subform.EMAIL.value.indexOf("@")==-1 )
    window.alert("Please enter a valid e-mail address!");
    return false;
  return true;
With your second problem OpenEMM can help. Just use check the box "check for duplicate records" in the "subscribe" step of the action you defined to register new subscribers. Also, set key-column for duplicate-check and updates to "email".
For the subscription error form define an output like "Sorry, the e-mail address you wanted to subscribe with is already registered in our system.
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Post by maxwell »

thanks for the instructions. My problem is:
The following instructions:
With your second problem OpenEMM can help. Just use check the box "check for duplicate records" in the "subscribe" step of the action you defined to register new subscribers. Also, set key-column for duplicate-check and updates to "email".
For the subscription error form define an output like "Sorry, the e-mail address you wanted to subscribe with is already registered in our system.
dont work in my case. I cannot use a openemm - form on this particular page, but have to use my own html - form. Is there any possibility how I can still check whether the adress already exists?
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Post by aleclyons »

If the server has access to the openemm DB you could try doing some serverside validation just by checking the table
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Post by mlaercher »


why is the duplicate check in version 5.1.1 not (or not as excepted) working?
See BugReport 1616938comments:
After lenghty discussions we decided that this is (still) a wanted
behaviour: "If email address already exists, update fields of its

When i subscribe a new recipient with the same emailadress he get a new double Opt-In confirmation mail, this isn't optimal.
Can i change this?

We haven't a database-connection from the webserver where the subscription form is, so we can't check if emailadress is already registered over a db-connection.
The next Problem is, if you send personalized Newsletters everyone can change user properties (firstname,lastname,company) from already registered users about the subscription form when he know only the emailadress(es).
I wouldn't like to know what funny "personalized" newsletters this brings out.

Have anyone a fix or idea to enable/change the duplicate-check function to the following:
No NEW subscribtions possible if emailadress already registered (form reports an error)
and no changes possible over the subscription form to existing recipients.

Changes should be ONLY possible over the personalized link in every newsletter OR a special form that send a personalized link in an action based mailing.

Thanks in advance
Martin Laercher
Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Feb 20, 2008 12:41 pm

Post by hd-dvd »

I have the same problem. Somebody found a solution?
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