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SOLVED -Move recipients to another mailing-list after x-days

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 4:02 pm
by Fatalin

Can anyone help me with an idea on how I can automatically move an active recipient from one mailing list to another mailing-list - 4 weeks after his subscription.

Reason: I want to collect all new recipients in an "unclean" mailing-list. 4 Weeks after a registration all hard/soft bounces should have arrived. Every remaining active recipient is considered "a clean email address" and should be move to a "clean" mailing-list.

I appreciate your help.

Thank you.

Best Regards

SOLVED -Re: Move recipients to another mailing-list after x-

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 9:14 am
by Fatalin

I solved the problem myself with a work-around.

Workaround: Use only one mailing-list and work with target-groups for "older" entries.


Create a target group "old recipients" with the filter-rule creation_date < date_sub(now(), interval 90 day)
You can create additional rules if you like.

The "90 day" parameter defines this target group to include all recipientes whose registration is older than 90 days.
