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unsubscribe kindof works

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 3:22 pm
by paries
I must be missing a config somewhere.
I am sending out test emails using the default en template.
The unsubscribe newsletter link, points back correctly to ... d71gi8n6qq
but when i go to this link it gets redirected to ... d71gi8n6qq
can anyone advise what step i am missing here?

Re: unsubscribe kindof works

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 9:01 am
by Fatalin

You have probably defined the unsubscribe link in the mailing as trackable. Trackable links are changed by OpenEMM during email send out.
Once the link is clicked, OpenEMM will redirect the user to the actual target (form) and perform the action for the link (if an action is defined).

So if you want the actual unsubscribe link to be "readable" you should not track the link.

Best Regards