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Installing OpenEMM on a CentOS server

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:44 pm
by deJoschi

I have read the Installguides but still have some questions left.
I ve got following Hardware:
A PC with XP SP2 and a VServer with CentOS.
So id like to Install openEMM from a Windows machine on a Linux based Server.
So far so good, I think i should follow the "Windows Install guide", dont i?

And: do i need to keep the Studd on my Local PC running (MySQL Community Server usw) to use openEMM?

Sorry for these maybe stupid questions, but i just cant figure it out.


Re: Installing OpenEMM on a CentOS server

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 2:10 am
by seakid
Don't know what you mean by " install from windows on a linux bases server"?
I am trying to install openemm on CentOS.
The installation on Redhat seems failure because of outdated package version.
