No bounces in statistics

Use this forum for all questions related to bounce management of OpenEMM

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No bounces in statistics

Post by Sushy »

Hello, I'm new to this OpemEMM thing. I'm running openemm 6.2 on a linux server.

After intallation everything is working fine, except I don't get any bounces in the statistics and the e-mail address that I know should get bounced doesn't get a "bounced status" in the recipient list. As far as I understand the manual, bounces are automatically deleted by the bounce filter and manual mails sent to the reply-to address of the mailing being sent, are forwarded by the filter to the specified location. So I can't check or redirect if they're getting bounced that way.

I'm also aware, that admin and test-mails aren't getting bounced due to inconvenience, so I've setup some normal users that should bounce, but don't. I'm not very proficient in linux or any programming language, so I would really need some step-by-step instructions on this.

if you need any further info, please tell me what you need me to post and I'll post it.

Thanks for your help.
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Re: No bounces in statistics

Post by pthough »

I am having a similar issue and have been for the past few days since I installed OpenEMM 6.2 (running Ubuntu 10.04 32-bit). I do not see much in the way of error reporting that is all too helpful, unfortunately.

My bavd.log file shows
[23.03.2011 10:04:48] 5273 VERBOSE/startup: Got path: /scan_and_unsubscribe
[23.03.2011 10:04:48] 5273 VERBOSE/dsn: Found DSN in Action: failed / Status: 5.0.0
[23.03.2011 10:04:48] 5273 INFO/uid: UID 20110323092446-1.1.p.7.0.glolfm808l valid
[23.03.2011 10:04:48] 5273 INFO/mid: Found new message id in header: <20110323092446-1.1.p.7.0.glolfm808l@openemm.invalid>
[23.03.2011 10:39:48] 5273 VERBOSE/startup: Got path: /scan_and_unsubscribe
[23.03.2011 10:39:48] 5273 VERBOSE/dsn: Found DSN in Action: failed / Status: 5.0.0
[23.03.2011 10:39:48] 5273 INFO/uid: UID 20110323092143-1.1.n.7.0.2zzaqmrggp valid
[23.03.2011 10:39:48] 5273 INFO/mid: Found new message id in header: <20110323092143-1.1.n.7.0.2zzaqmrggp@openemm.invalid>

Perhaps the most concerning log is from extbounce.log:
5.5.0;1;29;0;11;stat=Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable
5.0.0;0;29;0;5;mailloop=Action: failed
5.0.0;0;29;0;4;mailloop=Action: failed
5.0.0;0;29;0;7;mailloop=Action: failed
5.0.0;0;20;0;7;mailloop=Action: failed

What I am having troubles understanding is that with all of this going on I am seeing data show up in my softbounce_email_tbl:
email bnccnt mailing_id creation_date change_date company_id 6 27 2011-03-23 08:37:19 2011-03-23 09:58:06 1 9 29 2011-03-23 08:37:19 2011-03-23 09:58:06 1 5 29 2011-03-23 08:37:19 2011-03-23 09:58:06 1

I've removed the domains from these email addresses, and for privacy I removed the username from the hotmail account which has been deactivated and appropriately sends back a 550 error when email is sent to it.

My bounce_tbl shows several fields with each entry having a value of '500' in the "detail" column although some of the values under the "dsn" column are 550 or 500. Both of these values should be regarded as a hard bounce, right?
bounce_id company_id customer_id detail mailing_id change_date dsn
63 1 11 500 29 2011-03-23 09:53:41 550
64 1 5 500 29 2011-03-23 09:53:41 500
65 1 4 500 29 2011-03-23 09:53:41 500
66 1 7 500 29 2011-03-23 09:53:41 500

Even though my bounce_tbl has several entries, my bounce_collect_tbl still only has 1:
mailtrack_id customer_id mailing_id company_id change_date status_id
19 11 29 1 2011-03-23 09:58:06 90

Another log file that is showing bounces is my semu.log:
[23.03.2011 09:53:22] 5403 INFO/00001D0000000000B: Hardbounce 550: Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable
[23.03.2011 09:53:25] 5403 INFO/00001D00000000006: Successful 250: Message send via
[23.03.2011 09:53:52] 5403 DEBUG/ADMIN: Found 0 files in queue

With all of this I still do not see a single bounce showing up in my Statistics page of OpenEMM nor am I seeing any of the 'user_status' fields in the table "customer_1_binding_tbl" change unless they opt-out.

Any hints or tricks would be most helpful!
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Re: No bounces in statistics

Post by maschoff »

We will investigate the problem and check at first if this is a bug or a configuration issue.
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Re: No bounces in statistics

Post by pbolgar »

Hi, I seem to have something very similar going on with instant bounces - I have thousands of people on my mailing list and I do have bounces, but nothing seems to come in as instant bounce.

I know you are already looking into this so I thought I would let you know that here is another case. EDIT: I think I just found something interesting on that, see end:

My bounce_collect_tbl:

Code: Select all

mysql> select * from bounce_collect_tbl;
Empty set (0.00 sec)
My bounce_tbl:

Code: Select all

| bounce_id | company_id | customer_id | detail | mailing_id | change_date         | dsn  |
|     29294 |          1 |        3512 |    510 |        270 | 2011-03-22 16:00:15 |  599 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

And customer_1_binding_tbl:

Code: Select all

mysql> select * from customer_1_binding_tbl where user_status =2;
| customer_id | mailinglist_id | user_type | user_status | user_remark | change_date         | exit_mailing_id | creation_date       | mediatype |
|        2931 |              1 | W         |           2 | bounce      | 2010-02-18 01:57:31 |              11 | 2010-02-11 12:28:05 |         0 |
1 row in set (0.07 sec)
I don't really understand why the customer marked as bounced in customer_1_binding_tbl is different from the one in the bounce_tbl as I would think if there is only one bounce ever logged then it should be the same person in the customer_1_ binding_tbl too.

My current bavd.log has the following (I restarted openemm at the time it said going down, and no updates since - it is now the 27th of March).

Code: Select all

[25.03.2011  10:01:46] 12953 INFO/bavd: Going down
[25.03.2011  10:11:16] 2638 INFO/bavd: Starting up
And I did not find anything interesting in bav-trigger.log and bav-update.log either.

Here is something that I think might have to do with the problem. Per the openemm table description on your site ... le-Doc.txt, mailtrack_tbl keeps track of the soft and hard bounces and status_id for soft bounces is 90, hard bounces is 100. The table description does not give any other IDs. I checked what I have, and I have status_ids ranging from 4 to 441, there are no hard bounces and 400+ soft bounces but also thousands in some other statuses.

Code: Select all

mysql> select status_id,count(customer_id) from mailtrack_tbl group by status_id;
| status_id | count(customer_id) |
|         4 |                  4 |
|         5 |                  4 |
|         6 |                  4 |
|         7 |                  2 |
|         8 |                  2 |
|         9 |                  5 |
|        10 |                  2 |
|        11 |               1097 |
|        12 |                  1 |
|        13 |                  1 |
|        14 |                503 |
|        15 |                761 |
|        16 |                  1 |
|        17 |                819 |
|        19 |                  2 |
|        20 |                818 |
|        21 |                  1 |
|        22 |                  1 |
|        23 |                708 |
|        24 |                713 |
|        25 |                  1 |
|        27 |                502 |
|        28 |                  1 |
|        29 |                504 |
|        30 |                502 |
|        31 |                  1 |
|        32 |                  1 |
|        33 |                757 |
|        34 |                  1 |
|        35 |                818 |
|        36 |                  1 |
|        37 |                713 |
|        38 |                712 |
|        39 |                712 |
|        40 |                500 |
|        41 |                  1 |
|        42 |                456 |
|        43 |                498 |
|        44 |                498 |
|        45 |                  2 |
|        46 |                705 |
|        47 |                497 |
|        48 |                  2 |
|        49 |                  2 |
|        50 |                496 |
|        51 |                  2 |
|        52 |                605 |
|        53 |                703 |
|        54 |                  2 |
|        55 |                712 |
|        56 |                704 |
|        57 |                713 |
|        58 |                452 |
|        59 |                452 |
|        60 |                713 |
|        61 |                712 |
|        62 |                703 |
|        63 |                450 |
|        64 |                699 |
|        65 |                351 |
|        66 |                  2 |
|        67 |                  2 |
|        68 |                709 |
|        69 |                700 |
|        70 |                603 |
|        71 |                  2 |
|        72 |                603 |
|        73 |                  2 |
|        74 |                601 |
|        75 |                600 |
|        76 |                  2 |
|        77 |                599 |
|        78 |                  2 |
|        79 |                597 |
|        80 |                  2 |
|        81 |                  2 |
|        82 |                597 |
|        83 |                492 |
|        84 |                488 |
|        85 |                  2 |
|        86 |                445 |
|        87 |                488 |
|        88 |                693 |
|        89 |                693 |
|        90 |                445 |
|        91 |                444 |
|        97 |                  2 |
|        98 |                  2 |
|       103 |                  2 |
|       104 |                486 |
|       105 |                486 |
|       106 |                  2 |
|       107 |                444 |
|       108 |                  2 |
|       109 |                594 |
|       110 |                  2 |
|       111 |                689 |
|       112 |                  2 |
|       113 |                  2 |
|       114 |                698 |
|       115 |                441 |
|       116 |                441 |
|       123 |                  2 |
|       124 |                  2 |
|       131 |                  2 |
|       132 |                  2 |
|       139 |                441 |
|       140 |                  2 |
|       141 |                686 |
|       142 |                  2 |
|       143 |                686 |
|       144 |                  2 |
|       145 |                245 |
|       146 |                  2 |
|       147 |                245 |
|       148 |                  2 |
|       149 |                689 |
|       150 |                690 |
|       151 |                  1 |
|       152 |                  1 |
|       153 |                  1 |
|       154 |                  1 |
|       155 |                817 |
|       156 |                817 |
|       157 |                  1 |
|       158 |                849 |
|       159 |                  1 |
|       160 |                849 |
|       161 |                  1 |
|       162 |                846 |
|       163 |                825 |
|       164 |                817 |
|       165 |                817 |
|       166 |                817 |
|       167 |                817 |
|       168 |                817 |
|       169 |                844 |
|       170 |                812 |
|       172 |                810 |
|       173 |                816 |
|       174 |                808 |
|       175 |                808 |
|       176 |                840 |
|       177 |                384 |
|       178 |                806 |
|       179 |                  1 |
|       180 |                806 |
|       181 |                806 |
|       182 |                809 |
|       183 |                809 |
|       184 |                  1 |
|       185 |                809 |
|       186 |                809 |
|       187 |                809 |
|       188 |                809 |
|       189 |                  1 |
|       190 |               1102 |
|       191 |                384 |
|       192 |               1102 |
|       193 |                808 |
|       194 |                  1 |
|       195 |                  1 |
|       196 |                  1 |
|       197 |                  1 |
|       198 |                804 |
|       199 |                813 |
|       200 |                  1 |
|       201 |                  1 |
|       202 |                804 |
|       203 |                551 |
|       204 |                  1 |
|       205 |                  1 |
|       206 |                  1 |
|       207 |                  1 |
|       208 |               1101 |
|       209 |               1101 |
|       210 |               1101 |
|       211 |                  1 |
|       212 |                806 |
|       213 |                805 |
|       214 |                  1 |
|       215 |                805 |
|       216 |                805 |
|       217 |                805 |
|       218 |                805 |
|       219 |                805 |
|       221 |                805 |
|       222 |                  1 |
|       223 |               1101 |
|       224 |                  1 |
|       225 |                839 |
|       226 |                805 |
|       227 |                  1 |
|       228 |                  1 |
|       229 |                  1 |
|       230 |                  1 |
|       231 |                806 |
|       232 |                805 |
|       233 |                  1 |
|       234 |                808 |
|       235 |                  3 |
|       236 |                  1 |
|       237 |                  1 |
|       238 |                  1 |
|       239 |                  1 |
|       240 |                  1 |
|       241 |                  1 |
|       242 |                  1 |
|       243 |                  1 |
|       244 |                  1 |
|       245 |                  1 |
|       246 |                  1 |
|       247 |                  1 |
|       248 |                  1 |
|       249 |                  1 |
|       250 |                  1 |
|       251 |                  1 |
|       252 |                  1 |
|       253 |                  1 |
|       254 |                  1 |
|       255 |                  1 |
|       256 |                  1 |
|       257 |                  1 |
|       258 |                  1 |
|       259 |                805 |
|       260 |                  2 |
|       261 |                  1 |
|       262 |                  2 |
|       263 |                  1 |
|       264 |                  1 |
|       265 |                  1 |
|       266 |                  1 |
|       267 |                  1 |
|       268 |                  2 |
|       269 |                  2 |
|       270 |                  1 |
|       271 |                  1 |
|       272 |                  1 |
|       273 |                  1 |
|       274 |                  1 |
|       275 |                  2 |
|       276 |                  1 |
|       277 |                  2 |
|       278 |                  1 |
|       280 |                  2 |
|       281 |                  1 |
|       282 |                  1 |
|       283 |                  1 |
|       284 |                  1 |
|       285 |                804 |
|       286 |               1169 |
|       287 |                804 |
|       289 |                  3 |
|       290 |                  3 |
|       291 |                  2 |
|       292 |                  2 |
|       293 |                  3 |
|       294 |                  1 |
|       295 |                  1 |
|       296 |               1152 |
|       297 |               1095 |
|       298 |                811 |
|       299 |                550 |
|       300 |                  1 |
|       301 |                 18 |
|       302 |                  1 |
|       303 |                  1 |
|       304 |                  1 |
|       305 |                  1 |
|       306 |                  1 |
|       307 |               1157 |
|       308 |                  1 |
|       309 |                547 |
|       310 |                  1 |
|       311 |                  1 |
|       312 |                823 |
|       313 |                  1 |
|       314 |                544 |
|       315 |                543 |
|       316 |                  1 |
|       317 |                 59 |
|       318 |                802 |
|       319 |                795 |
|       320 |                 59 |
|       321 |                541 |
|       322 |                  1 |
|       323 |                  1 |
|       324 |                  1 |
|       325 |                  1 |
|       326 |                800 |
|       327 |                  1 |
|       328 |                  1 |
|       329 |                  1 |
|       330 |                  1 |
|       331 |                  1 |
|       332 |                  1 |
|       333 |                  1 |
|       334 |                  1 |
|       335 |                  1 |
|       336 |                  1 |
|       337 |                  1 |
|       338 |                798 |
|       339 |                  1 |
|       340 |                798 |
|       341 |                  2 |
|       342 |                  1 |
|       343 |                797 |
|       344 |                  1 |
|       345 |                 11 |
|       346 |                  1 |
|       347 |                  1 |
|       348 |                  1 |
|       349 |               1071 |
|       350 |                794 |
|       351 |                  1 |
|       352 |                  1 |
|       353 |               1069 |
|       354 |                542 |
|       355 |                829 |
|       356 |                544 |
|       357 |                  1 |
|       358 |               1084 |
|       359 |                828 |
|       360 |                801 |
|       362 |                540 |
|       363 |                  1 |
|       364 |                542 |
|       365 |                  1 |
|       366 |                833 |
|       367 |                  1 |
|       368 |                  1 |
|       369 |                791 |
|       370 |                  3 |
|       371 |                  1 |
|       372 |                  1 |
|       373 |                820 |
|       374 |                570 |
|       375 |                570 |
|       376 |                570 |
|       377 |                789 |
|       378 |                570 |
|       379 |                788 |
|       380 |               1136 |
|       381 |                819 |
|       382 |                786 |
|       383 |                  1 |
|       384 |               1145 |
|       385 |                  1 |
|       386 |                  1 |
|       387 |                  1 |
|       388 |                818 |
|       389 |                804 |
|       390 |                  1 |
|       391 |                809 |
|       392 |                  1 |
|       393 |                567 |
|       394 |                  1 |
|       395 |                567 |
|       396 |                779 |
|       397 |                815 |
|       398 |                549 |
|       399 |                807 |
|       400 |                812 |
|       401 |                837 |
|       402 |               1136 |
|       403 |                775 |
|       404 |                526 |
|       405 |                810 |
|       406 |                526 |
|       407 |                785 |
|       408 |                621 |
|       409 |                  1 |
|       410 |                773 |
|       411 |                773 |
|       412 |                776 |
|       413 |                  1 |
|       414 |                808 |
|       415 |                  1 |
|       416 |               5384 |
|       417 |               5384 |
|       418 |               5384 |
|       419 |                  1 |
|       420 |                  1 |
|       421 |                  3 |
|       423 |                808 |
|       424 |                775 |
|       425 |                780 |
|       426 |                  1 |
|       427 |                  1 |
|       428 |                  1 |
|       429 |               1134 |
|       430 |                  1 |
|       432 |                  1 |
|       434 |               5352 |
|       435 |                780 |
|       436 |                290 |
|       438 |                774 |
|       439 |               1131 |
|       440 |                 85 |
|       441 |               1130 |
400 rows in set (0.14 sec)
Is this data helpful at all?
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Re: No bounces in statistics

Post by maschoff »

We are working on a database documentation update which should make bounce management easier to understand.
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Re: No bounces in statistics

Post by pbolgar »

Thanks that will be good.

Maybe you can send it to me to field test it!
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Re: No bounces in statistics

Post by maschoff »

Isn't Open Source a kind of field test, anyway? ;-)
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Re: No bounces in statistics

Post by pbolgar »

You have a point there :)
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Re: No bounces in statistics

Post by maschoff »

New doc now available (see tweed). Does it help?
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Re: No bounces in statistics

Post by pbolgar »

Well now I understand what mailtrack_tbl was and that that is actually working fine. The listing I gave you was a listing of all the mailings I had in my database with the number of e-mails sent to them respectively.

So we are still back to debugging the bounces - I looked and it looks like they don't get to bavd at all and so there is nothing in those logs.

I checked the settings on the firewall per the instructions etc. I am not sure where the problem is. I checked and the bounce_tbl still only has a single hard bounce of type 510 in it. But I had thousands of hard bounces including instant ones so something is awry - and also not sure how that one made it into the table and the other ones didn't. Do you reckon I have some service not running? Per the bavd.log, bavd is running.

Netstat -ln gives me this:

Code: Select all

pbolgar@news:~$ netstat -ln
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State      
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN     
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN     
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN     
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN     
tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN     
tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN     
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN     
tcp6       0      0 :::8080                 :::*                    LISTEN     
tcp6       0      0 :::22                   :::*                    LISTEN     
tcp6       0      0 ::1:5432                :::*                    LISTEN     
udp        0      0    *                          
Active UNIX domain sockets (only servers)
Proto RefCnt Flags       Type       State         I-Node   Path
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     6146     /var/run/dovecot/auth-worker.1515
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     4613     /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     123910   /var/run/sendmail/mta/smcontrol
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     2445     @/com/ubuntu/upstart
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     4174     /var/run/acpid.socket
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     6057     /var/run/samba/winbindd_privileged/pipe
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     5846     /var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     6055     /tmp/.winbindd/pipe
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     4074     /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     6139     /var/run/dovecot/dict-server
unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     6141     /var/run/dovecot/login/default
I can't tell if this is good or not as I don't really know much about this.
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Re: No bounces in statistics

Post by maschoff »

The only other hint I have for you is that our bounce management is very conservative, which means that even bounces with code 5xx are often handled like softbounces (because depending on the provider, they are in fact). Only after serveral more bounces they are treated as hardbounces (i.e. sets the recipients to status "bounced").

But if you have an almost empty bounce_tbl something seems to be fundamentally wrong with your configuration. Maybe you should have an admin look at your server.
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Re: No bounces in statistics

Post by pbolgar »

ermmmm.... I think I might have an idea what the problem is.

What daemons need to have access for this to work?

I have my hosts.allow and hosts.deny files pretty clamped down.

Wonder if that's what the problem is!
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Re: No bounces in statistics

Post by maschoff »

Since the software runs locally hosts.access and hosts.deny are not relevant. Another hunch: missing right for user openemm to read file /var/log/maillog or unknown format of log file. If this is the case syslog realtime scanner can not scan Sendmail's log file and write the result to ~/var/spool/log/extbounce.log - which in turn is processed by and written to OpenEMM's database table bounce_tbl.
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Re: No bounces in statistics

Post by pbolgar »

My maillog is empty but the openemm user does seem to be able to access it.

Should I create a new one? If so, how?

But also I noticed that the owner of maillog is root whereas all the other files are owned by syslog.

See here:

Code: Select all

-rw-r--r-- 1 root   adm         0 2011-03-15 01:07 mailertable
-rw-r----- 1 syslog adm 439630153 2011-04-01 09:36
-rw-r----- 1 syslog adm  86238347 2011-03-27 07:55
-rw-r----- 1 syslog adm   5525109 2011-03-20 07:47
-rw-r----- 1 syslog adm   9448368 2011-03-13 07:45
-rw-r----- 1 syslog adm   2216873 2011-03-06 07:41
-rw-r--r-- 1 root   adm         0 2010-02-21 11:57 maillog
Is that right or should I change it to syslog?
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Re: No bounces in statistics

Post by rendered »

pbolgar wrote:My maillog is empty but the openemm user does seem to be able to access it.

Should I create a new one? If so, how?

But also I noticed that the owner of maillog is root whereas all the other files are owned by syslog.

See here:

Code: Select all

-rw-r--r-- 1 root   adm         0 2011-03-15 01:07 mailertable
-rw-r----- 1 syslog adm 439630153 2011-04-01 09:36
-rw-r----- 1 syslog adm  86238347 2011-03-27 07:55
-rw-r----- 1 syslog adm   5525109 2011-03-20 07:47
-rw-r----- 1 syslog adm   9448368 2011-03-13 07:45
-rw-r----- 1 syslog adm   2216873 2011-03-06 07:41
-rw-r--r-- 1 root   adm         0 2010-02-21 11:57 maillog
Is that right or should I change it to syslog?
Hmm, I seem to also be having the above problem. Running Ubuntu Server 10.10 - anyone got any solutions?
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