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Offline HTML - Embedded Images

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:44 pm
by maydaymike
Is it still feasible to 'embed' images into mails on OpenEMM 6.2 - ie true OfflineHTML?

Elsewhere on the forums (eg it appears that an image can be truly enbedded intothe body of the mail - using the image code after the mail boundary marks.

4. Look at the source code of your newsletter and you will see an image reference like

Code: Select all
<img src=3D"" width=3D="79" height=3D"79" align=3D"right" />

5. but also the image included in special encoding format at the end:

Code: Select all
Content-Type: image/gif
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

Is this format and creation still feasible?

Re: Offline HTML - Embedded Images

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 7:37 pm
by maschoff
If you select "Offline HTML" as mail format and upload the images via the "graphics components" tab into OpenEMM, the images are automatically inserted into the mail code.

Re: Offline HTML - Embedded Images

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 4:48 pm
by maydaymike
Thanks Martin

Yes - I have successfully achieved this now and viewed true off-line emails in MS Outlook.

The next question is - the method used by OpenEMM is the one described in section 9.2 of the RFC2110 document ( - ie with absoulte URL's.

Can this method be be changed to the 'Content-ID' version?

Part of the problem we have is that we have a large customer base using BlackBerry BIS email service - by trial it appears that this is the only method that allows images to be displayed without downloading - I think that the mail client is seeing the absoute URL, presuming that the format is standard HTML and ignoring the attchmnets.

Is there a simple change in a config file or the FCK Editor?


Re: Offline HTML - Embedded Images

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 10:01 am
by maschoff
No, a change is not possible right now, because this is rather complicated. But it is an interesting suggestion and we will explore it further (especially since the importance of mobile devices is growing).

BTW, we used Content-ID for our commercial product in the beginning, but it turned out that some webmailers had (have?) problems with this format and this is the reason why we changed to absolute URIs.