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Display Mailing name in Unsubscribe

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 5:34 pm
by daniel_jao
Hi, can anyone help me, i need to display the mailing name in the unsubscribe form. This should be dynamic i think since im just using 1 unsubscribe form for multiple mailing template. is there any tag for it?

Re: Display Mailing name in Unsubscribe

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:02 am
by daniel_jao
anyone? please help

Re: Display Mailing name in Unsubscribe

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 7:06 am
by daniel_jao
i saw script action, can this be added in the unsubscribe form,

## Set company-ID (could also be retrieved from requestParameters)
#set( $company_id = 1 )

## Get the mailing-ID which we set in the mailings unsubscribe URL
#set( $mail_id = $requestParameters.mi )

#if( $mail_id )
## Requestparameters seem to be strings, so we need an integer for casting
#set( $Integer = 0 )
#set( $mail_id_int = $Integer.parseInt($mail_id) )

#if( $mail_id_int )
## Using the MailingDao we instantiate a mailingbean
#set( $mailing = $MailingDao.getMailing($mail_id_int, $company_id) )

#if( $mailing )
## Now we can retrieve the mailinglist-ID
#set( $mail_name = $mailing.getShortname() )

## This seems to be mandatory for a script not to result in an error
#set( $scriptResult="1" )

is this possible??