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OpenEMM: cabon copy or bcc supported

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:41 pm
by frankewi

does anybody know, whether it is possible to use CC / BCC in OpenEMM. Our users do have two or more email-adresses registered, but we have to ensure that we reach them all.

I tried to modify the source code, but can't find the XML is created. Might be,that an additional line HTo: could be a solution.
Digging into the source code I found, that

in the file

Code: Select all

head += "HTo: " + addTo () + "<" + "[agnEMAIL code=\"punycode\"]" + ">" + data.eol 
set. But manually overwriting HTo

Code: Select all

head += "HTo: " +  "<" + "" + ">" + data.eol 
for testing seems to fail. After startXMLBack the original entry of the database is in the temp-file on the server.

Any suggestions where I can hack it?

Thanx in advance

Re: OpenEMM: cabon copy or bcc supported

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 2:39 pm
by nterry
Thomas. Did you find a solution to this? I have a similar need