/etc/init.d startup script
Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:09 am
Hi there,
i just want to provide an debian init.d script, openemm does have its one i guess, so here is mine, maybe someone could use it or even find it useful
http://amelinux.blogspot.com/2011/06/op ... cript.html
as a hint: the line "chmod 0644 /var/log/maillog" should not be needed if you follow the install instruction on
http://www.openemm.org/wiki/Installatio ... uideDebian
but i guess it does not make it worse
i just want to provide an debian init.d script, openemm does have its one i guess, so here is mine, maybe someone could use it or even find it useful
http://amelinux.blogspot.com/2011/06/op ... cript.html
as a hint: the line "chmod 0644 /var/log/maillog" should not be needed if you follow the install instruction on
http://www.openemm.org/wiki/Installatio ... uideDebian
but i guess it does not make it worse