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Upgrade: OpenEMM-2011_M3 -> OpenEMM-2011_RC2

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 11:10 am
by rendered

Does anyone know how I go about upgrading from OpenEMM-2011_M3 to OpenEMM-2011_RC2?


Re: Upgrade: OpenEMM-2011_M3 -> OpenEMM-2011_RC2

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 2:04 pm
by maschoff
Update manually like any other update:

- stop OpenEMM
- back up the databases
- install the new version
- compare the DB update file you used for M3 with file update_openemm_6.2-2011_RC1.sql to check if there is anything to update in the database
- start OpenEMM

See file README.txt for more details.