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Win XP Install last step issue
Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 1:08 pm
by bits
hi all and thanks in advance.
I have a windows XP install as a test and dev machine at present.
all appears to be installed normally and all steps have been followed however when i go to the web address localhost, IP address or machine name on port 8080 (
http://localhost:8080 i just get the Tomcat management screen. I don't normally use tomcat, python etc so any help is greatly appreciated. What have i missed?
Looks like a great product - really looking forward to getting it into production.
Re: Win XP Install last step issue
Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 4:10 pm
by maschoff
Please post the path of your OpenEMM installation and Tomcat installation.
Re: Win XP Install last step issue
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:34 pm
by timr
I'm having the exact same Windows issue. My install paths are C:\OpenEMM and C:\Program\Apache Software Installation\Tomcat 6.0. If I start the Tomcat service and then run start.bat, I get the Tomcat Welcome Screen when I go to localhost:8080. If Tomcat is stopped and I run start.bat, I get Page not found when I go to localhost:8080. Also regardless if Tomcat is started or stopped, I only get one command window when I run start.bat (install guide refers to 2 command windows). I've been using OpenEMM for over a year (last version 6.2) with no problems and it's a great product so I'm sure this is a Tomcat configuration issue.
Re: Win XP Install last step issue
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:10 pm
by maschoff
OpenEMM can not find your Tomcat installation. But you enter the path manually in the header of file (see line 148 in WinInstallGuide file).
Re: Win XP Install last step issue
Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 9:20 am
by bits
My file locations were the same, C:\openemm and C:\Program\Apache Software Installation\Tomcat 6.0
i resolved mine by copying the contents of the C:\OpenEMM\webapps\openemm folder to C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\webapps\ROOT and resterted the services. I actually renamed the oot folder and created a new one.
I did need to also change the file mentioned above, there is a section in there that refers to the tomcat install location. mine said tomcathome = None, a couple of lines above that was the line tomcathome = 'C:\Programs\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat\6.0' which was commented out. I just changed the comment status on each line and all was fine.
I a now able to login and work on the system without issues or errors, however i can't send any mails at present...... Next!

Re: Win XP Install last step issue
Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 9:41 pm
by CPWork
bits ,I'm having problems sending emails, did you resolve your issue? What was it?
Re: Win XP Install last step issue
Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 10:00 am
by JanM
Hi bits and CPWork,
I also copied the contents of OpenEMM to tomcat, but I can't send emails as well. Although the system doesn't show any errors, an email is never received.
Re: Win XP Install last step issue
Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 4:26 pm
by pinkeeeel
hi, i encountered the sample problems. And i copied and pasted the files as bit mentioned. and i can send mails, but none of the recipient got the mail.
anyone solved the problem? urgently in need of this great tool. thanks a lot!