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email statistic question

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 7:48 am
by paupawie

Kinda new to OpenEMM.

I sent emails to test emails..I've opened them, but at the statistics page, it says opened emails is '0'. Do I have to adjust some settings? I've set the open measure rate to 'at top of email'..And I used html and text version..

Any help is appreciated.


Re: email statistic question

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 11:56 am
by Fatalin
Have you checked if your e-mail client, with whom you receive your test emails, is downloading pictures (white-list the domain of your OpenEMM server).
The opening rate can only be meassured if the 1 pixel picture is downloaded. So if a mail client does not download the picture OpenEMM can't count the opening, even if the mail was in fact opened.

Most webmail services (Gmail, Freenet, Yahoo & co.) don't download pictures in emails on default.

Also, what about the other links in your email. Do you track them? Are they counted in the statistic?
