OpenEMM 2011 Windows Install

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OpenEMM 2011 Windows Install

Post by MarvinSk »

I have completed the install successfully

when I go to http://mydomainhost:8080

I keep getting the Tomcat Welcome Page

OpenEMM Log /var/log/openemm_stderr.log

give me this error

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\OpenEMM\bin\", line 541, in <module>
p_con = tomcatstart ('openemm')
File "C:\OpenEMM\bin\", line 526, in tomcatstart
return tomcatexec (module, 'startup')
File "C:\OpenEMM\bin\", line 516, in tomcatexec
pid = os.spawnve (os.P_NOWAIT, args[0], args, env)
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
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Re: OpenEMM 2011 Windows Install

Post by MarvinSk »

Any help with this anyone...

I am running Windows XP SP3
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Re: OpenEMM 2011 Windows Install

Post by maschoff »

Which version of Python do you use?
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Re: OpenEMM 2011 Windows Install

Post by sbroman »

I am getting the same error. Python 2.7
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Re: OpenEMM 2011 Windows Install

Post by sbroman »

I just followed what "bits" did in this thread: ... html#p6190

Is that the right thing to do?
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Re: OpenEMM 2011 Windows Install

Post by maschoff »

Could be that Python can not find your Tomcat installation. If OpenEMM does not find your Tomcat installation you can define its path manually in file in directory OpenEMM/bin via property "tomcathome". If set to "None" OpenEMM will try to find Tomcat on its own.
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Re: OpenEMM 2011 Windows Install

Post by sbroman »

I had done that. I was getting an error running the setup batch file, so I added the tomcat path the py file. Then after setup, only the Tomcat Homepage would show up.

Here is what my py looks like:

# -*- python -*-
* The contents of this file are subject to the Common Public Attribution
* License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* The License is based on the Mozilla
* Public License Version 1.1 but Sections 14 and 15 have been added to cover
* use of software over a computer network and provide for limited attribution
* for the Original Developer. In addition, Exhibit A has been modified to be
* consistent with Exhibit B.
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
* the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code is OpenEMM.
* The Original Developer is the Initial Developer.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is AGNITAS AG. All portions of
* the code written by AGNITAS AG are Copyright (c) 2007 AGNITAS AG. All Rights
* Reserved.
* Contributor(s): AGNITAS AG.
import sys, os, time, types
# Optional configuration area
# #
# Tomcat #
# #
# Path to installed tomcat 6 distribution, set this only, if the script
# is unable to determinate it by itself, e.g.:
# tomcathome = r'C:\Programs\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat\6.0'
tomcathome = 'C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0'
# End of configuration section #
def show (s):
sys.stderr.write (s)
sys.stderr.flush ()
def prompt (prmt):
if prmt:
show (prmt)
return sys.stdin.readline ().strip ()
def error (msg):
show (msg + '\n')
prompt ('[press return]')
sys.exit (1)
def addpath (path):
path = str (path)
parts = os.environ['PATH'].split (os.path.pathsep)
if not path in parts:
parts.insert (0, path)
os.environ['PATH'] = os.path.pathsep.join (parts)
def checkprop (homedir):
replaces = [
ignores = [
rplc = {}
for replace in replaces:
parts = replace.split ('=', 1)
rplc[parts[0].strip ()] = replace.replace ('\\', '\\\\') + '\n'
prop = os.path.sep.join ([homedir, 'webapps', 'openemm', 'WEB-INF', 'classes', ''])
save = prop + '.orig'
fd = open (prop)
content = fd.readlines ()
fd.close ()
ncontent = []
changed = False
for line in content:
if line[0] != '#':
parts = line.split ('=', 1)
if len (parts) == 2:
if rplc.has_key (parts[0]):
nline = rplc[parts[0]]
if nline != line:
line = nline
changed = True
elif not parts[0] in ignores:
if '/' in line:
error ('Found possible invalid entry in %s: %s' % (prop, line))
ncontent.append (line)
if changed:
os.rename (prop, save)
except (WindowsError, OSError):
fd = open (prop, 'w')
fd.write (''.join (ncontent))
fd.close ()
log4j = os.path.sep.join ([homedir, 'webapps', 'openemm', 'WEB-INF', 'classes', ''])
log4jold = log4j + '.orig'
fd = open (log4j)
content = fd.readlines ()
fd.close ()
ncontent = []
changed = False
for line in content:
if line[0] != '#' and 'log/openemm' in line:
line = line.replace ('log/openemm', 'var/log/log4j-openemm.log')
changed = True
ncontent.append (line)
if changed:
os.rename (log4j, log4jold)
except (WindowsError, OSError):
fd = open (log4j, 'w')
fd.write (''.join (ncontent))
fd.close ()
def checkpaths (home):
required = ['var', 'var\\tmp', 'temp']
for path in required:
fpath = os.path.sep.join ([home, path])
if not os.path.isdir (fpath):
os.mkdir (fpath)
except (WindowsError, OSError), e:
error (str (e))
def checksetenv (home):
lpath = os.path.sep.join ([home, 'webapps', 'openemm', 'WEB-INF', 'lib'])
if os.path.isdir (lpath):
cp = []
for fname in os.listdir (lpath):
if fname.lower ().startswith ('mysql') and fname.lower.endswith ('.jar'):
cp.append (os.path.sep.join ([lpath, cp]))
sepath = os.path.sep.join ([home, 'bin', 'setenv.bat'])
if cp:
content = 'set "CLASSPATH=%s"\n' % (os.path.pathsep.join (cp))
fd = open (content, 'wt')
fd.write (content)
fd.close ()
os.unlink (sepath)
except OSError:
show ('Starting up .. ')
homedrive = os.environ['HOMEDRIVE']
except KeyError:
homedrive = 'C:'
home = homedrive + os.path.sep + 'OpenEMM'
if not os.path.isdir (home):
guess = None
temp = disk + ':' + os.path.sep + 'OpenEMM'
if os.path.isdir (temp):
guess = temp
if guess is None:
error ('Failed to find homedir "%s"' % home)
home = guess
show ('home is %s .. ' % home)
checkprop (home)
checkpaths (home)
os.environ['HOME'] = home
binhome = home + os.path.sep + 'bin'
addpath (binhome)
schome = binhome + os.path.sep + 'scripts'
os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = schome
if not schome in sys.path:
sys.path.append (schome)
os.environ['LC_ALL'] = 'C'
os.environ['LANG'] = 'en_US.ISO8859_1'
os.environ['NLS_LANG'] = 'american_america.UTF8'

import agn
agn.require ('2.0.0')
show ('found codebase .. ')
# Check for working database
if not 'DBase' in dir (agn):
error ('No database module found')
# add python to path
addpath (agn.pythonpath)
# find jdk
jdkkey = r'SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Development Kit'
version = agn.winregFind (jdkkey, 'CurrentVersion')
if version is None:
error ('JDK not found')
javahome = agn.winregFind (jdkkey + '\\' + version, 'JavaHome')
addpath (javahome + os.path.sep + 'bin')
os.environ['JAVA_HOME'] = javahome
os.environ['JAVA_OPTIONS'] = '-Xms256m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xss256k'
# find tomcat
if tomcathome is None:
for fname in sorted ([_f for _f in os.listdir (homedrive + os.path.sep) if _f.startswith ('apache-tomcat-6')]):
tomcathome = os.path.sep.join ([homedrive, fname])
if tomcathome is None:
error ('Tomcat 6.x not found')
addpath (tomcathome + os.path.sep + 'bin')
os.environ['CATALINA_HOME'] = tomcathome
os.environ['CATALINA_BASE'] = home
# find mysql
mysqlhome = None
for version in ['5.0', '5.1']:
mskey = r'SOFTWARE\MySQL AB\MySQL Server %s' % version
mysqlhome = agn.winregFind (mskey, 'Location')
if not mysqlhome is None:
if mysqlhome is None:
for mskey in sorted ([_r for _r in agn.winregList (bkey) if type (_r) in types.StringTypes]):
if 'server' in mskey.lower ():
mysqlhome = agn.winregFind ('%s\\%s' % (bkey, mskey), 'Location')
except TypeError:
show ('warning: no MySQL found using reg.key %s, continue anyway' % bkey)
if not mysqlhome is None:
addpath (mysqlhome + os.path.sep + 'bin')
# Optional commands
if len (sys.argv) > 1:
os.chdir (home)
versionTable = '__version'
curversion = '2011'
if sys.argv[1] == 'setup':
def findSQL (prefix):
for fname in ['%s.sql' % prefix, '%s-%s.sql' % (prefix, curversion)]:
path = 'USR_SHARE\\%s' % fname
if os.path.isfile (path):
return path
error ('Unable to find %s.sql (or %s-%s.sql)' % (prefix, prefix, curversion))
show ('setup:\n')
show ('Setup database, please enter the super user password defined during MySQL installation:\n')
if os.system ('mysqladmin -u root -p create openemm'):
error ('Failed to create database')
show ('Database created, now setting up initial data, please enter again your databae super user password:\n')
if os.system ('mysql -u root -p -e "source %s" openemm' % findSQL ('openemm')):
error ('Failed to setup database')
show ('Setup CMS database, please enter the super user password defined during MySQL installation:\n')
if os.system ('mysqladmin -u root -p create openemm_cms'):
error ('Failed to create CMS database')
show ('CMS Database created, now setting up initial data, please enter again your databae super user password:\n')
if os.system ('mysql -u root -p -e "source %s" openemm_cms' % findSQL ('openemm_cms')):
error ('Failed to setup CMS database')
show ('Database setup completed.\n')
db = agn.DBase ()
if not db is None:
cursor = db.cursor ()
if not cursor is None:
cursor.execute ('CREATE TABLE %s (version varchar(50))' % versionTable)
cursor.execute ('INSERT INTO %s VALUES (:version)' % versionTable, {'version': curversion})
cursor.sync ()
cursor.close ()
db.close ()
if sys.argv[1] in ('setup', 'config'):
db = agn.DBase ()
if not db:
error ('Failed to setup database connection')
i = db.cursor ()
if not i:
error ('Failed to connect to database')
rdir = None
mailloop = None
for r in i.query ('SELECT rdir_domain, mailloop_domain FROM company_tbl WHERE company_id = 1'):
rdir = r[0]
mailloop = r[1]
if sys.argv[1] == 'config':
show ('config:\n')
if rdir is None: rdir = ''
nrdir = prompt ('Enter redirection domain [%s]: ' % rdir)
if not nrdir: nrdir = rdir
if mailloop is None: mailloop = ''
nmailloop = prompt ('Enter mailloop domain [%s]: ' % mailloop)
if not nmailloop: nmailloop = mailloop
if nrdir != rdir or nmailloop != mailloop:
i.update ('UPDATE company_tbl SET rdir_domain = :rdir, mailloop_domain = :mailloop WHERE company_id = 1',
{ 'rdir': nrdir, 'mailloop': nmailloop })
db.commit ()
i.close ()
db.close ()
sfname = 'conf' + os.path.sep + 'smart-relay'
fd = open (sfname)
sr = ().strip ()
fd.close ()
except IOError:
sr = ''
show ('Smart mail relay - optional parameter. Specifiy this, if you want to send\n')
show ('all your outgoing mail via one deticated server (e.g. your ISP mail server.)\n')
show ('You may add login information in the form <username>:<password>@<relay> if\n')
show ('the smart relay requires authentication.\n')
nsr = prompt ('Enter smart relay (or just - to remove existing one) [%s]: ' % sr)
if nsr:
if nsr == '-':
os.unlink (sfname)
except (WindowsError, OSError):
elif nsr != sr:
fd = open (sfname, 'w')
fd.write ('%s\n' % nsr)
fd.close ()
prompt ('Congratulations, %s completed! [return] ' % sys.argv[1])
elif sys.argv[1] == 'update':
show ('update:\n')
db = agn.DBase ()
if not db:
error ('Failed to setup database connection')
i = db.cursor ()
if not i:
error ('Failed to connect to database')
found = False
for r in i.query ('SHOW TABLES'):
if r[0] == versionTable:
found = True
if not found:
version = '5.1.0'
tempfile = 'version.sql'
fd = open (tempfile, 'w')
fd.write ('CREATE TABLE %s (version varchar(50));\n' % versionTable)
fd.close ()
show ('Database update, please enter your database super user password now\n')
st = os.system ('mysql -u root -p -e "source %s" openemm' % tempfile)
os.unlink (tempfile)
except (WindowsError, OSError):
if st:
error ('Failed to setup database')
i.update ('INSERT INTO %s VALUES (:version)' % versionTable, {'version': version })
db.commit ()
version = None
for r in i.query ('SELECT version FROM %s' % versionTable):
version = r[0]
if version is None:
error ('Found version table, but no content in table')
elif version == '5.1.0':
version = '5.1.1'
elif version == '5.1.1':
version = '5.3.0'
ans = prompt ('It looks like your previous version is "%s", is this correct? [no] ' % version)
if not ans or not ans[0] in 'Yy':
error ('Version conflict!')
if version[0] == '5':
found = False
for r in i.query ('SHOW DATABASES'):
if r[0] and r[0] == 'openemm_cms':
found = True
if not found:
show ('Setup CMS database, please enter the super user password defined during MySQL installation:\n')
if os.system ('mysqladmin -u root -p create openemm_cms'):
error ('Failed to create CMS database')
show ('CMS Database created, now setting up initial data, please enter again your databae super user password:\n')
if os.system ('mysql -u root -p -e "source USR_SHARE\\openemm_cms.sql" openemm_cms'):
error ('Failed to setup CMS database')
updates = []
for fname in os.listdir ('USR_SHARE'):
if fname.endswith ('.usql'):
base = fname[:-5]
parts = base.split ('-')
if len (parts) == 2:
updates.append ([parts[0], parts[1], 'USR_SHARE\\%s' % fname])
seen = []
while version != curversion:
found = False
oldversion = version
for upd in updates:
if upd[0] == version and not upd[2] in seen:
fd = open (upd[2])
cont = ()
fd.close ()
isEmpty = (len (cont) == 0)
except IOError:
isEmpty = False
if not isEmpty:
show ('Database upgrade from %s to %s, please enter your super user password now\n' % (version, upd[1]))
if os.system ('mysql -u root -p -e "source %s" openemm' % upd[2]):
error ('Failed to update')
show ('No database update from %s to %s required\n' % (version, upd[1]))
version = upd[1]
seen.append (upd[2])
i.update ('UPDATE %s SET version = :version' % versionTable, {'version': version})
db.commit ()
found = True
if not found:
error ('No update from %s to %s found' % (version, curversion))
if oldversion == '5.3.2':
i.close ()
db.close ()
dbfile = os.path.sep.join (['var', 'tmp', 'openemm.dump'])
dbconv = os.path.sep.join (['var', 'tmp', 'openemm.conv'])
show ('===========================================================================\n')
show ('!! Please read and follow the next steps carefully to avoid loss of data !!\n')
show ('Now forcing cleanup of the database, please enter your super user password now\n')
if os.system ('mysqldump -aCceQ --lock-all-tables -u root -p -r %s openemm' % dbfile):
error ('Failed to dump current database')
fdi = open (dbfile, 'r')
fdo = open (dbconv, 'w')
except IOError, e:
error ('Failed to open database convertion file %s %s' % (dbconv, `e.args`))
fdo.write ('ALTER DATABASE openemm DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8;\n')
for line in fdi.readlines ():
line = line.replace (' character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci', '')
line = line.replace (' collate utf8_unicode_ci', '')
line = line.replace ('DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1', 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci')
fdo.write (line)
fdo.close ()
fdi.close ()
show ('Now we remove and recreate the database and import the converted content.\n')
show ('Please enter your super user database password each time, if asked for:\n')
state = 0
while state < 3:
if state == 0:
action = 'Drop database'
command = 'mysqladmin -u root -p drop openemm'
elif state == 1:
action = 'Create database'
command = 'mysqladmin -u root -p create openemm'
elif state == 2:
action = 'Import database'
command = 'mysql -u root -p openemm < %s' % dbconv
show ('--> %s:\n' % action)
if os.system (command):
show ('Command failed! If you have just mistyped your password, just try\n')
show ('again, otherwise abort the update and fix the problem by hand.\n')
state += 1
os.unlink (dbconv)
except (WindowsError, OSError):
db = agn.DBase ()
i = db.cursor ()
show ('===========================================================================\n')
i.close ()
db.close ()
show ('Update to version %s finished! You may start config.bat now to see\n' % version)
prompt ('if there are some new things to setup [return] ')
error ('Unknown option %s' % sys.argv[1])
sys.exit (0)

db = agn.DBase ()
if not db:
error ('Failed to setup database connection')
i = db.cursor ()
if not i:
error ('Failed to connect to database')
i.close ()
db.close ()
show ('found database.\n')
# remove potential stale files
sessions = os.path.sep.join ([home, 'webapps', 'openemm', 'WEB-INF', 'sessions'])
fnames = [agn.winstopfile]
if os.path.isdir (sessions):
for fname in os.listdir (sessions):
fnames.append (sessions + os.path.sep + fname)
for fname in fnames:
os.unlink (fname)
# show ('Removed stale file %s.\n' % fname)
except (WindowsError, OSError):
# change to home directory
os.chdir (home)
def pystart (cmd):
args = cmd.split ()
args.insert (0, agn.pythonbin)
return os.spawnv (os.P_NOWAIT, args[0], args)

def tomcatexec (module, what):
lpath = home + os.path.sep + 'var' + os.path.sep + 'log' + os.path.sep
lout = lpath + module + '_stdout.log'
lerr = lpath + module + '_stderr.log'
cmd = os.path.sep.join ([tomcathome, 'bin', '%s.bat' % what])
args = cmd.split ()
env = os.environ.copy ()
env['LANG'] = 'en_US.ISO8859_1'
saveout = os.dup (1)
saveerr = os.dup (2)
os.close (1)
os.close (2) (lout, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_APPEND | os.O_CREAT, 0666) (lerr, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_APPEND | os.O_CREAT, 0666)
pid = os.spawnve (os.P_NOWAIT, args[0], args, env)
os.close (1)
os.close (2)
os.dup (saveout)
os.dup (saveerr)
os.close (saveout)
os.close (saveerr)
return pid

def tomcatstart (module):
return tomcatexec (module, 'startup')
def tomcatstop (module):
return tomcatexec (module, 'shutdown')
p_upd = pystart (schome + os.path.sep + ' account bounce')
if p_upd == -1:
error ('Failed to start update process')
p_dst = pystart (schome + os.path.sep + '')
if p_dst == -1:
error ('Failed to start pickdist process')
p_bav = pystart (schome + os.path.sep + '')
if p_bav == -1:
error ('Failed to start bav-update process')
p_sem = pystart (schome + os.path.sep + '')
if p_sem == -1:
error ('Failed to start semu process')
p_con = tomcatstart ('openemm')
if p_con == -1:
error ('Failed to start openemm')
prompt ('Running, press return for termination: ')
tomcatstop ('openemm')
show ('Signal termination to enviroment\n')
open (agn.winstopfile, 'w').close ()
time.sleep (3)
prompt ('Finished, press [return] ')
show ('(window closes on final termination of all processes) ')
time.sleep (2)
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Re: OpenEMM 2011 Windows Install

Post by maschoff »

The little "r" is missing in front of your path.
OpenEMM Maintainer
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Re: OpenEMM 2011 Windows Install

Post by sbroman »

Well that's embarrassing. Thanks!
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu May 24, 2012 5:20 am

Re: OpenEMM 2011 Windows Install

Post by SoulHunter »


Sorry, but i got the same problema and my tomcat path gor the 'r' in the rigth place.

And the log still say the same:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\OpenEMM\bin\", line 541, in <module>
p_con = tomcatstart ('openemm')
File "C:\OpenEMM\bin\", line 526, in tomcatstart
return tomcatexec (module, 'startup')
File "C:\OpenEMM\bin\", line 516, in tomcatexec
pid = os.spawnve (os.P_NOWAIT, args[0], args, env)
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

but away im use w7 64bits.

Pls helpme i wanna cry T.T
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Joined: Mon Aug 31, 2009 2:31 pm

SOLVED:Re: OpenEMM 2011 Windows Install

Post by timr »

I ran into this same error (No such file or directory) when I ran start.bat and this is how I solved it.

When you do the Windows install, some of the needed files are not installed, specifically So what I did is to install Tomcat 6 with the installer (32-bit/64-bit Windows Service Installer) which doesn't have, downloaded the zip file (32-bit Windows zip) which does have, unzipped it into a temp directory and copied all of the files located in unzipped file bin folder into the bin folder of the installed Tomcat, without overwriting any of the files already there. Once I did this, everything started fine when I ran start.bat and I've been sending emails with no problem for about a month. I'm not sure and haven't had time to test but it seems like Tomcat doesn't have to be installed to run OpenEMM because start.bat makes the Tomcat call when you run it. The reason I think this is because I have my Tomcat installation disabled under Configure Tomcat and OpenEMM works and runs Tomcat with no problem when I run start.bat. May not be the best solution but this worked for me.

One caveat though...

Even after applying Bug fix #6 "Windows can't find your Tomcat installation?", I could not get it to run from the normal Tomcat install path (C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0) so I installed Tomcat into the root of C: (C:\Tomcat6) and changed the path in Not the best thing but this works for me.
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Location: Munich, Germany

Re: OpenEMM 2011 Windows Install

Post by maschoff »

Thanks for the info! We will look into that and change the Windows install documentation accordingly.
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Joined: Tue Aug 07, 2012 7:20 am

Re: OpenEMM 2011 Windows Install

Post by vblkprrr »

I am sorry I am continuing this problem here, but it was already setup and i am part of it.
I have tried everything to make it work. Still no luck. Could it be the version of OpenEMM that we are using; we are using 5.0.2.
Is there any other way to insure that our newsletters don't end up in spam?

Any help would be appreciated.


Carrera Lunettes De Soleil
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Joined: Fri Aug 24, 2012 4:54 am

Re: OpenEMM 2011 Windows Install

Post by »

I had this problem too and the fix is very easy.

It is caused when the Windows Installer (WinInst) package is used rather that using the Windows ZIP file ( If you un-install the WinInst version and unzip the ZIP version to C:\ then all will be good again. Just make sure you restore the file to the "just installed" version of if you have made any changes.

All the problems are manly caused by spaces in the path to the WinInst version of Tomcat and how the script deals with them (I guess Lynix doesn't have spaces in it's paths). There are some missing files in the WinInst version too which causes the initial errors posted here.
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Location: Munich, Germany

Re: OpenEMM 2011 Windows Install

Post by maschoff »

We will consider this in the next version of the Windows install documentation.
OpenEMM Maintainer
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