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To: Recipient name missing, just email address

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 7:19 pm
by carlocapocasa

thanks to everyone involved for making OpenEMM available as an open source product! Working for a startup company it's a godsend.

I found a potential bug, but it might also be a misconfiguration or even a feature.

When sending an email, there are no names in the To: field. For example:


To: John Smith <>


To: <>

I'd love to be able to personalize my To: field!

In case you need further information please ask away. I'm a technical user, so I can also provide log files and version numbers and such.

Thanks again, and best of success!


Tomcat 6
Debian Squeeze
Sun Java 6

Re: To: Recipient name missing, just email address

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 10:42 pm
by maschoff
In the Mailing tab use field "Sender email" for and field "Sender full name" for John Smith.

Re: To: Recipient name missing, just email address

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 4:46 pm
by carlocapocasa
Hi there! Thanks for the answer.

The From: field to set the sender name is working just fine!

What I couldn't figure out is how to have the recipient's name in the To: field, so the recipient sees his or her own name when viewing the email in clients that display it, like Outlook Express.

With my OpenEMM 2011 setup, the recipient always sees his or her email address in mail clients like Outlook Express, because that's what they display when no name is provided.
