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Install successful...App does not start

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 10:48 pm
by Pegster
Windows 2008 Server (64bit)
Chose to install 32bit everything (mysql, py, tomcat, java jdk)

Ok, so I have worked thru getting Tomcat6 to install and start successfully and have modified bin/ to find the installed location of Tomcat6.

OpenEMM installed successfully BUT when I click on start I only see one command screen open and it says:
"Starting up .. home is c:\OpenEMM .. found codebase .. found database."

Nothing else...

If I open IE with http://<mydomain>:8080/ , all I see is a page letting me know that Tomcat was installed successfully.

That's handy, but how do I start OpenEMM???

Thanks for any assistance

Re: Install successful...App does not start

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 3:08 pm
by maschoff
Do you have any directories or files in Tomcat's webapps directory? If so, which one?

Re: Install successful...App does not start

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 8:37 pm
by Pegster
This is the first I've installed tomcat on a windows environment.

What should I be looking for in the Tomcat\webapps subdir?

I guess a more important question...where is OpenEMM expecting Tomcat6 to be installed? C:\tomcat6???


Re: Install successful...App does not start

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 8:43 pm
by maschoff
If OpenEMM does not find your Tomcat installation you can define its path manually in file in directory OpenEMM/bin via property "tomcathome". If set to "None" OpenEMM will try to find Tomcat on its own.

Re: Install successful...App does not start

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 8:57 pm
by Pegster
Please see my initial post...I've already done that.

What should be in the tomcat\webapps folder?

Re: Install successful...App does not start

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:47 am
by maschoff
5 directories: docs, examples, host-manager, manager and ROOT

Where did you install OpenEMM itsself?

Re: Install successful...App does not start

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 3:17 pm
by Pegster
The 5 directories that you listed are the directories that are in the tomcat6/webapps subdirectory.

OpenEmm was installed in C:\OpenEMM

Re: Install successful...App does not start

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 4:23 pm
by maschoff
Perfect, that's the way how it should be!

Re: Install successful...App does not start

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 4:54 pm
by Pegster
Ok...but OpenEMM still does not open or run.

I do not get a logon screen of any kind...

When I go to http://<mydomain>:8080/ all I get is the Tomcat screen.

Any ideas of what I can do next?

Re: Install successful...App does not start

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 5:03 pm
by maschoff
I am afraid, no.

Re: Install successful...App does not start

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 7:00 pm
by timr
Has anyone been able to get OpenEMM 2011 to work with Windows? I've been using OpenEMM 6.2 for over a year with no problems but I've been trying for months to switch over to OpenEMM 2011 and am having some of the same problems already posted. I've figured out the problem but don't know how to resolve it. This is what I've done so far.

1. Tomcat 6 installed. When I run start.bat (OpenEmm), command window gets to "found codebase" "found database" and then stops and a Tomcat command window never opens. If I go to localhost:8080 at this point, I get "Page not found".
2. If I manually start Tomcat (after running start.bat) and reload localhost:8080, I get the 1st OpenEMM 2011 window. If I click on the "log into the OpenEMM application on this server right away" link, I get the log in screen.
3. If I enter the correct log in name and password, I get "A general error occurred".
4. If I start Tomcat WITHOUT running start.bat and then go to localhost:8080, I get the Tomcat management screen.
5. When I look in the OpenEMM error log file, I see a "file Not Found" error when it tries to run Tomcat in the file and the error points to "def tomcatexec" around line 516 and "def tomcatstart" around line 525.
6. Per the install instructions, I've uncommented the path to my Tomcat installation in

So this is what I think the problem is. When I leave the "tomcathome=None" in and run start.bat, I get "Tomcat 6.x not found. Press return for termination". If I comment out "tomcathome=None" and uncomment 'tomcathome=r'C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0', and run start.bat, the command window stops after "Found Database". I then check Services and Tomcat is not running. So, for some reason, is not making the proper call to start Tomcat.

I do realize that OpenEMM, being an open source program, is not written for Windows but since 6.2 has run fine using Resin, think that I'm close to getting this to work with 2011 and Tomcat.

Question for Programmers: The file in 6.2 doesn't have a line for manual path to Resin and finds it automatically. Shouldn't OpenEmm 2011 be able to find Tomcat automatically, without having to hard code the path?

Re: Install successful...App does not start

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 9:28 pm
by maschoff
We have been able to get OpenEMM running under Windows (XP), of course.

If you get error message "A general error occurred", you should have a look at the log to get more detailed information.

The reason why OpenEMM 6.2 does not need an installation path for Resin is that the OpenEMM 6.2 installation includes Resin bute OpenEMM does not include Tomcat.

Re: Install successful...App does not start

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 6:14 am
by raven
I'm sorry to chime in late on this. I just installed OpenEMM on Windows today and run into the exact same thing. After some hunting, I finally found the issue. The can't work with a tomcat path which includes a space (e.g. c:\program files\tomcat). Copy the tomcat directory into something like c:\tomcat and the whole thing works like a charm. Better yet, change the code so the above works...

Re: Install successful...App does not start

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 7:20 am
by maschoff
Raven, thanks for your feedback! We will change the code and provide a fix as soon as possible.

Re: Install successful...App does not start

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 8:47 am
by maschoff
Fix: Open file in directory /OpenEMM/bin and replace line 507 with

Code: Select all

args = [cmd]