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Run under Hyper-V

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:30 pm
by xotj123
Anyone running under Hyper-V?

Re: Run under Hyper-V

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 9:58 pm
by keenemaverick
I'm currently attempting to run the 2011 VMX under Hyper-V. I'll document my steps here as I go.

I'm running Hyper-V in a failover cluster, and using System Center Essentials 2010 as the management tool.

First, I extracted the VMX zip file to the VMM Library share at \\<SCE Machine Name>\MSSCVMMLibrary0\VMX

Second, I ran the Import Virtual Machine task inside SCE.

SCE seems to do weird things with the network setup, plus it won't allow me to import to a cluster that is over committed, so when it asks to confirm the hardware setup, I changed the RAM to 512MB, and set the network to Not Connected.

The Import wizard threw an error about not being able to update the file system - no biggie. The imported machine seems to boot fine.

System Center Essentials doesn't seem to manage the hardware correctly, so after the import is finished, I shut off the new VM, and close out of System Center. Using the Failover Cluster Manager tool, I edit the hardware settings to change the RAM back to 1024mb. I then add a Legacy Network Adapter and connect it to my LAN.

After the changes are applied and refreshed, I connect to the VM and start it.

Other than a fsck on the first boot, everything seems to be working correctly. I'm using this PDF starting from page 5 for the rest of the configuration.

Re: Run under Hyper-V

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:59 pm
by keenemaverick
Just an update:

The converted VMWare image ended up having a ton of weird issues cropping up, so I ended up having to re-make the server from scratch. It's working great now.

The VM is running with 2g of RAM, 1 virtual processor, a legacy network adapter, and an 8g VHD. I'm running CentOS 6, 64 bit version. I followed the steps in this guide: ... f/download

All the steps for Red Hat work, except for some minor changes in the firewall config. On step 5.1, instead of:

-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 25 -j ACCEPT

just use:

-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 25 -j ACCEPT

Other than that, the rest of the steps work exactly as written.

Re: Run under Hyper-V

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:21 pm
by maschoff
Could you please elaborate why you suggest changing the recommended entry for iptables? All RedHat servers we know of use this line. For example, did you get a special error message that caused you to change the entry?