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Error starting: "15666: unary operator expected"

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 5:33 pm
by leandro.schmitk
Good morning,

I'm having problems starting OpenEMM

I have a VPS server with 2Gb of RAM memory, managed by cPanel / WHM I installed OpenEMM for use with internal SMTP sending through.

But I do not know which setting to move the program to work correctly.

When booting with the command " start" get the following message:

Start / home / openemm / bin / scripts / .. done.
Start / home / openemm / bin / scripts / .. done.
Start / home / openemm / bin / scripts / .. done.
Start / home / openemm / bin / L AVB-INFO .. done.
Start python / home / openemm / bin / scripts / .. done.
Start / home / openemm / bin / scripts / account bounce .. done.
Start / home / openemm / bin / scripts / .. done.
Start / home / openemm / bin / scripts / .. done.
Start / home / openemm / bin / scripts / .. done.
/ home / openemm / bin / line 42: [: 15666: unary operator expected
Starting up Tomcat ......
Check Java installation: OK
Check Tomcat installation: OK
Using CATALINA_BASE: / home / openemm
Using CATALINA_HOME: / usr / local / jakarta / tomcat
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: / home / openemm / temp
Using JRE_HOME: / opt / openemm / java
Using CLASSPATH: / usr / local / jakarta / tomcat / bin / bootstrap.jar

I do not know what you mean "unary operator expected"

The Tomcat is installed by Apache in WHM, but it is working properly.

What setting should I change to start the OpenEMM, can anyone help me?

Re: Error starting: "15666: unary operator expected"

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 7:56 pm
by maschoff
Line 42 of contains code

Code: Select all

if [ $JPS_RUNNING_PID ]; then
to check if Tomcat is already running.

Variable $JPS_RUNNING_PID is set 6 lines before with

Code: Select all

JPS_RUNNING_PID=`ps -eo pid,command|grep org.apache.catalina|grep -v grep|awk '{print $1}'`
This expression should return a single value, but according to your error message it does not. Just enter expression

Code: Select all

ps -eo pid,command|grep org.apache.catalina|grep -v grep|awk '{print $1}'
at your Linux prompt and check the value(s) returned.