VPS server: OpenEMM and CPU
Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 8:14 pm
OpenEMM installed on a VPS server that I have, which works with Dual Quad-Core Xeon 1.8Ghz (8 core) and 2GB of memory is managed by WHM / cPanel.
But every time I start OpenEMM it starts without any error message and I can access the program at the address on port 8080. But I perceive that the command:
/ opt / openemm / java / bin / java-Djava.util.logging.config.file = / home / openemm / conf / logging.properties-Djava.util.logging.manager = org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager-Djava. endorsed.dirs = / opt / openemm / tomcat / endorsed-classpath / opt / openemm / tomcat / bin / bootstrap.jar-Dcatalina.base = / home / openemm-Dcatalina.home = / opt / openemm / tomcat-Djava.io . tmpdir = / home / openemm / temp org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start
Extrapolates the CPU consumption, cheando using 200, 250% CPU for control in WHM I do so I give the command.
The server is in the air and I can browse and use e-mail and everything, but can not access or cPanel or WHM, because trying to get the message failed to load.
I wonder if someone goes through a similar situation and what can I do to ajustas systems to work together.
I have 512Mb reserved for Java and Linux CentOS system.
But every time I start OpenEMM it starts without any error message and I can access the program at the address on port 8080. But I perceive that the command:
/ opt / openemm / java / bin / java-Djava.util.logging.config.file = / home / openemm / conf / logging.properties-Djava.util.logging.manager = org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager-Djava. endorsed.dirs = / opt / openemm / tomcat / endorsed-classpath / opt / openemm / tomcat / bin / bootstrap.jar-Dcatalina.base = / home / openemm-Dcatalina.home = / opt / openemm / tomcat-Djava.io . tmpdir = / home / openemm / temp org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start
Extrapolates the CPU consumption, cheando using 200, 250% CPU for control in WHM I do so I give the command.
The server is in the air and I can browse and use e-mail and everything, but can not access or cPanel or WHM, because trying to get the message failed to load.
I wonder if someone goes through a similar situation and what can I do to ajustas systems to work together.
I have 512Mb reserved for Java and Linux CentOS system.