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trackable link url escape code

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 12:35 pm
by percivalg

Thank you for this great software, really working great since my first use of 5.5 version.
Now im using the 2011 version.
Anyway, I have a question, Im sending a mailing which needs a trackable link to measure
the number of clicks, the url is an href, to hide the long url

so I did was so the link is trackable
but inside the ##mylongURL## data are URL escape codes like are question mark,
equal and ampersand sign (?, =, &) these sign, when click on the trackable URL
are converted to its corresponding escape code such as

? for %3F
= for %3D
& for %26

My question is, how can I make openemm not change the characters inside the link to
the equivalent escape code? Are there any settings where I can set it?

Again, thank you in advance

Re: trackable link url escape code

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 1:37 pm
by Hofmann M.
Hello percivalg,

to solve this problem, i recommend a simple trick with a form,
because the URL is otherwise drawn directly from the database and thus not encoded.

You need an action with "load recipient data".
These action use at a form "redirect" (for example).
In the success-part use a meta-refresh:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=$!customerData.mylongURL">

In your newsletter/mailing use the link to the formular: ... D=##AGNUID##

The meta-refresh "replaces" the coded signs.
Please try it!

Kind regards,