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How can i add List-Unsubscribe Header ?

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 9:05 am
by phumy
I need to add List-Unsubscribe in email header.
Dose OpenEMM have this function ? ( not insert link in email )

Thanks and Regards.

Re: How can i add List-Unsubscribe Header ?

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 8:59 pm
by maschoff
Not yet.

Re: How can i add List-Unsubscribe Header ?

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 3:16 am
by phumy
maschoff wrote:Not yet.
I hope the next version of OpenEMM will have this function.
Thank for your support.

Re: How can i add List-Unsubscribe Header ?

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 1:02 pm
by shi

I am using OpenEMM 2013 and it generates a List-Unsubscribe header but isn't it possible to change the value?
It sends the mails with:

Code: Select all

List-Unsubscribe: http://localhost/unsubscribe.html?<E-Mail-Address>
This is not very usefull.

Kind regards,

Re: How can i add List-Unsubscribe Header ?

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 2:40 pm
by maschoff
This header line is only written if OpenEMM uses its internal MTA instead of Sendmail. The header line is implemented by plugin You can define its content in file /home/openemm/conf/semu/semu.cfg:

Code: Select all

uri: http://localhost/unsubscribe.html?%(urlrecv)s 
Placeholder %(urlrecv)s specifies the URL encoded receiver email address. You may also use %(recv)s (receiver email address), %(sender)s (sender email adress) and %(urlsender)s (URL encoded sender email address).