How th soft bounce and hard bounce mails are handled ?

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How th soft bounce and hard bounce mails are handled ?

Post by senthilcse »


I want to know how the soft and hard bounce mails are handled by openemm,and where the hard bounce mail id's are stored in openemm database?

advance thank you
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Re: How th soft bounce and hard bounce mails are handled ?

Post by Gurley »

Here are some quick tips on ways you can reduce bounces even further:

1. Keep your subscriber lists clean
We will automatically remove invalid email addresses as you add them, but when new subscribers sign up via a subscribe form, they may enter the wrong address. Check each list for incorrectly formatted addresses, invalid domains and typos.

2. Use double opt-in:
When creating a subscriber list, set it as double opt-in, allowing each address to be validated by the subscriber before it can be added to your list.

3. Monitor Delivery Rates By Domain:
Track your open and bounces rates by major domain, such as AOL, Hotmail, Yahoo, Earthlink and others. If one is significantly different than the others, or your experience a sudden change, your campaign may be getting caught by spam filters.

4. Test Your Emails:
Prior to sending your campaign to your entire list, send a test to yourself and others. Make sure you try and include all the major types of email clients used by members of your list when testing.
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Re: How th soft bounce and hard bounce mails are handled ?

Post by maschoff »

Here is a description of the softbounce management of OpenEMM: ... time#p5704

The database schema of OpenEMM is explained in the extension architecture documentation, available for download at SourceForge: ... velopment/
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