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Reset opt-in/opt-out status on import

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 10:08 am
by daneel
Dear all,

I've set up two import profiles. One import profile adds receipients, the other import profile removes receipients, i.e., sets their status to opt-out.

This works fine.

However, once I used my second import profile to opt-out a receipient, running my first import profile to re-add that receipient won't reset his status to opt-in. It seems that importing receipients won't reset the status of existing opted-out receipients.

Is this somehow possible? Or is it a known bug?

Many thanks and all the best,

Re: Reset opt-in/opt-out status on import

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 11:16 am
by Hofmann M.
Hello Michael,

if your import-profile set some users to the user-status "opt-out by ..." (in the database, customer_1_binding_tbl in the column user_status 3 or 4) it will be never updated to an active status with an import!

Only if a user subscribe with an formular (Openemm-Form) it will be reactivated.

At the moment i don't have a solution for you.
