Python scripts

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Python scripts

Post by rmizzi »

A small question to understand in which areas scripting languages such as python would be useful.
In the case of OpenEmm I can see that source code contains quite an extensive number of python scripts ... would someone be able to explain (in a high level way) what sort of functionality is offered by the scripts and therefore why there are implemented using a scripting language rather than being inbuilt in Javacode itself for example?

I hope the question is not too generic -- i just want to understand what pushes a developer to use multi-programming language approach rather than stick to one language.

Thanks loads,
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Re: Python scripts

Post by maschoff »

The OpenEMM Python scripts handle separate backend tasks. We use Python for these kind of jobs because the functionality can be implemented faster than in Java and speed of execution does not matter.
OpenEMM Maintainer
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