How can I pause or stop the mailings when it sending?
Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 2:30 am
It is my situation:
I have a campaign with 1,650K+ recipients in a list, but the sending speed is too slow, it has only sent 259,000 mails in 34hrs.
In my expect, I have set the "block=3,500" and "stepping (minutes)=1" (it's mean 3,500 mails per minute right?) and wish it could reach.
The system was a virtual machine in Amazon EC2 with 2 vCPU, 1.8GB memory and 8GB storage.
When I monitor the system resource, the CPU only average 25% in used, storage still has 3GB+ free, but memory was running out.
So I planning to increase the memory to 4GB or bigger and tuning Sendmail & MySQL in the same time.
But my concern is:
How can I do to the sending mailing job?
Can I pause or stop it and restart from the last point when it stopped?
Or I can just stop the OpenEMM, Sendmail and MySQL services directly and restart them?
Any advice are welcome!!
It is my situation:
I have a campaign with 1,650K+ recipients in a list, but the sending speed is too slow, it has only sent 259,000 mails in 34hrs.
In my expect, I have set the "block=3,500" and "stepping (minutes)=1" (it's mean 3,500 mails per minute right?) and wish it could reach.
The system was a virtual machine in Amazon EC2 with 2 vCPU, 1.8GB memory and 8GB storage.
When I monitor the system resource, the CPU only average 25% in used, storage still has 3GB+ free, but memory was running out.
So I planning to increase the memory to 4GB or bigger and tuning Sendmail & MySQL in the same time.
But my concern is:
How can I do to the sending mailing job?
Can I pause or stop it and restart from the last point when it stopped?
Or I can just stop the OpenEMM, Sendmail and MySQL services directly and restart them?
Any advice are welcome!!