Provide a batch delete method

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Provide a batch delete method

Post by hzujmccescsl »

Where the list of recipients can change daily and is being done in batch uploads, versus being done by individual recipients, it may be necessary to wipe out the entire recipient "list" and re-import the new recipient "list". This is most useful for when OpenEMM is used as a "closed system" where the enterprise using OpenEMM creates the "recipient list" (each day). That is, the "recipient list" is created offline. In order to maintain daily changes, including deletions which are merely recipients no longer in the next daily list, a single - batch - deletion method is needed.
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Re: Provide a batch delete method

Post by maschoff »

OpenEMM offers a bulk delete for all member of a certain mailing list or a target group. What more would you need?
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Re: Provide a batch delete method

Post by hzujmccescsl »

"bulk delete" - that would be nice, but where is it documented? I can't find it in the 2013 Admin manual, 2013 GUI help, 2013 GUI functions, nor the 2013 Installation manual.
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