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Several Problems with Images

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 5:01 pm
by Marketing-IC
Hi there,

i am new to OpenEMM and i am just running some testmails. The main problems i encountered so far is that i can not upload any pictures nor does putting links into the Mailings work. I did set up a content manager template and i also added the Agnitas tags for the CM Modules i created. Inserting text works fine for me but images just won't be displayed in the preview or the mailing itself. When i try to insert pictures using the Editor, it comes up with the error "The server didn't reply with a proper XML data. Please check your configuration."

As i have not installed the system myself but our IT-Department did on an virtual Ubuntu machine, i am not sure where to check but unfortunately, they do not know it either so i was hoping someone here could maybe point me/us to the right direction.

Also, when i include Links and try to click on them in the Testmail i receive, they will sent me to http://localhost:8080, not the link i entered. Is this because of a wrong redirect-setting? I will have a meeting with IT tomorrow, hopefully someone has some ideas on what direction to point them so i get a working system for my newsletters ;-)

Thanks already,


Re: Several Problems with Images

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 9:58 pm
by maschoff
if you have problems with images in the content manager please make sure that the settings in comfiguration file are correct (see Install & Admin Guide for details).

Re: Several Problems with Images

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 10:49 pm
by hzujmccescsl
Embedded links will be automatically converted to an OpenEMM server based URL by default. If you need to retain an embedded URL unchanged, then you need to go to the "Mailings/Trackable Links" tab and change each URL to "not trackable". This will prevent the internal conversion process on the URL.

Re: Several Problems with Images

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 10:57 pm
by hzujmccescsl
I can think of three ways to include images in mailings. Someone else may have other suggestions.

1) use "protected" (not trackable) embeded URL to external site where image file resides

2) use Agnitas dynamic image tag (agnIMAGE) in the template HTML image tag SOURCE field to "name" a pseudo image which is then connected to a REAL image later via the Picture Components tab (ie; upload local image file and name same as named in the agnIMAGE tag)

3) use static URLs that point to the OpenEMM server in a directory defined and accessible by/to the "openemm" user; upload image files to said directory; OpenEMM will/may convert the "static URL" to an "OpenEMM server specific" URL; URL used should be "relative" (eg; images/<filename>).