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Multiple Install On a machine

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 6:35 pm
by evosw
First of all hello to all , i am new user :)
For testing i did download the openemm vmware machine, and following the instruction on the pdf i did able to run it.
Now i will like to have and which point to different openemm instance.. for do that i think i should duplicate the linux user openemm and duplicate the database... but i think i will have some problem, someone alredy did that which can give me some suggestion? i need modify even sendmail configuration?
thanks realy much!!! :)
and sorry for my horrible english!!

Re: Multiple Install On a machine

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 6:15 pm
by beachbumdad
I'm also trying to do multiple installs. The purpose of this is to separate organizations of email lists within the parent company.

What files/configs would need to be updated or what steps taken to do this?