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Any system requirements needed for mailing editor?

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 4:29 pm
by silversurfer
Hi there,
I already tried to find an answer in the forum and on the web, without success. I hope someone here could maybe help with my problem.

I have prepared everything to do a mailing based on a CM template, i.e. I have set up module types, content modules and a CM-Template and connected it to a mailing. I followed the instructions in the (German) manual for OpenEMM 2013.
When I edit the mailing and go to the "Contents" tab, it should (according to the manual) look like this (figure 11.22 of the manual):

However, in our installation the editor capabilities are not shown, so I cannot edit, delete or move the content modules (like explained in the manual). Our screen looks like this:

At the same time the "normal" html editor (e.g. when editing a "normal"= Non CM template in the tab "mailing") works without problems.

Are there any system requirements/additional installations needed to get this editor working?


I've tried the following OS/Browser combinations without success:
Mac OS X 10.6.8 / Firefox
Mac OS X 10.6.8 / Safari
Win XP SP2 / Firefox
Win XP SP2 / Internet Explorer
Win XP SP2 / Chrome
Win 7 /Firefox

Re: Any system requirements needed for mailing editor?

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 7:19 pm
by maschoff
There are no special requirements, looks like a configuration problem to me. Check out URL properties in and to make sure the settings are right.

Re: Any system requirements needed for mailing editor?

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 9:43 pm
by silversurfer
Hi maschoff,
thanks for the reply. We have checked those propeties, but (unfortunately) everything is fine.
What wonders me even more is that the demo account on
also has this problem (in the teszt1 Mailing) ...?

Re: Any system requirements needed for mailing editor?

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 7:19 am
by maschoff
Your mail was deleted tonight (the database is truncated every night). Can you create it again so that we can reproduce your problem?

Re: Any system requirements needed for mailing editor?

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 11:11 am
by silversurfer
Hi maschoff,
sure, I just create dit again on the test account.

There is CM template called "Test CM Template", which only contains two Content Modules "Demo-Block1" and "Demo-Sailing-Footer".
"Demo-Block1" has placeholders called "Ueberschrift", "Text", "link-url" and "link-text" - "Demo-Sailing-Footer" has a placeholder "FooterText".

"Test CM Template" is assigned to the mailing called "test".

When I now go to Mailings --> Overview choose "test" and go to the content tab, there should be the possibility (thourgh icons) to delete, move or add conent modules and to insert content to the respective placeholders (like shown in the German manual on picture 11.22. and described in the respective section, point 4 and 5).

However it only looks like this (no tools) - I tried Firefox on Mac OSX and Internet Explorer on Win7:

Re: Any system requirements needed for mailing editor?

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 4:22 pm
by maschoff
That was easy: You forgot to assign the two content modules to the mailing. The name of the placeholder in the CM template are generic, they do not represent names of content modules, hence there is no auto-wiring. If we would hard-link CM template placeholders to content modules it would not be possible to sort or remove them in tab content of the mailing.

Re: Any system requirements needed for mailing editor?

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 6:49 pm
by silversurfer
Thanks so much. You saved my week !