Python exception while running in OpenEMM 2013

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Python exception while running in OpenEMM 2013

Post by jschlosser_7bc »

We just stumbled over some Python exceptions while running

Code: Select all

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "bin/scripts/", line 167, in <module>
    data = scurs.querys (squery, parm, cleanup = True)
  File "/home/openemm-2013/bin/scripts/", line 2065, in querys
    for rec in self.query (req, parm, cleanup, rtype):
  File "/home/openemm-2013/bin/scripts/", line 2028, in query
    self.curs.execute (req, parm)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/MySQLdb/", line 159, in execute
    query = query % db.literal(args)
TypeError: not enough arguments for format string
Seems that in calls to DBCursor.reformat and DBCursor.cleanup in the methods DBCursor.query and DBCursor.update should be swapped to work as expected.

Diff output of our changes to

Code: Select all

$ diff -c3 original/ updated/

*** original/	2013-02-05 16:58:12.000000000 +0100
--- updated/	2013-06-07 09:58:04.823461818 +0200
*** 2009,2018 ****
  				if self.log: self.log ('Query: %s' % req)
  				self.curs.execute (req)
- 				if self.needReformat:
- 					(req, parm) = self.reformat (req, parm)
  				if cleanup:
  					parm = self.cleanup (req, parm)
  				if self.log: self.log ('Query: %s using %s' % (req, parm))
  				self.curs.execute (req, parm)
  			if self.log: self.log ('Query started')
--- 2009,2018 ----
  				if self.log: self.log ('Query: %s' % req)
  				self.curs.execute (req)
  				if cleanup:
  					parm = self.cleanup (req, parm)
+ 				if self.needReformat:
+ 					(req, parm) = self.reformat (req, parm)
  				if self.log: self.log ('Query: %s using %s' % (req, parm))
  				self.curs.execute (req, parm)
  			if self.log: self.log ('Query started')
*** 2095,2104 ****
  				if self.log: self.log ('Update: %s' % req)
  				self.curs.execute (req)
- 				if self.needReformat:
- 					(req, parm) = self.reformat (req, parm)
  				if cleanup:
  					parm = self.cleanup (req, parm)
  				if self.log: self.log ('Update: %s using %r' % (req, parm))
  				self.curs.execute (req, parm)
  			if self.log: self.log ('Update affected %d rows' % self.curs.rowcount)
--- 2095,2104 ----
  				if self.log: self.log ('Update: %s' % req)
  				self.curs.execute (req)
  				if cleanup:
  					parm = self.cleanup (req, parm)
+ 				if self.needReformat:
+ 					(req, parm) = self.reformat (req, parm)
  				if self.log: self.log ('Update: %s using %r' % (req, parm))
  				self.curs.execute (req, parm)
  			if self.log: self.log ('Update affected %d rows' % self.curs.rowcount)

By changing these lines no more exceptions are thrown while running
Can somebody confirm these changes are useful, please.
Posts: 6
Joined: Thu Jan 03, 2013 3:36 pm

Re: Python exception while running in OpenEMM

Post by shi »

Thank you for the fix. It seems to work now.
Posts: 1
Joined: Tue Jul 30, 2013 1:01 pm

Re: Python exception while running in OpenEMM

Post by nbhadauria »

This trick seems to by pass the error but it is not marking recipient hardbounce.

[30.07.2013 03:00:02] 7672 INFO/main: Starting up
[30.07.2013 03:00:02] 7672 INFO/kill: Removed 0 address(es)
[30.07.2013 03:00:02] 7672 INFO/collect: Updated timestamps
[30.07.2013 03:00:03] 7672 INFO/collect: Read 582 records (97 uniques) and inserted 97
[30.07.2013 03:00:03] 7672 INFO/collect: Timestamp updated
[30.07.2013 03:00:03] 7672 INFO/merge: Working on 1
[30.07.2013 03:00:03] 7672 INFO/unsub: Working on 1
[30.07.2013 03:00:03] 7672 INFO/unsub: Company 1 has 0 active and 0 marked as hardbounced users
[30.07.2013 03:00:03] 7672 INFO/main: Going down

Any other suggestion ?
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Re: Python exception while running in OpenEMM

Post by maschoff »

You are right, here is a bugfix for file

Code: Select all

 @@ -2011,7 +2011,7 @@
 				if self.needReformat:
 					(req, parm) = self.reformat (req, parm)
-				if cleanup:
+				elif cleanup:
 					parm = self.cleanup (req, parm)
 				if self.log: self.log ('Query: %s using %s' % (req, parm))
 				self.curs.execute (req, parm)
@@ -2097,7 +2097,7 @@
 				if self.needReformat:
 					(req, parm) = self.reformat (req, parm)
-				if cleanup:
+				elif cleanup:
 					parm = self.cleanup (req, parm)
 				if self.log: self.log ('Update: %s using %r' % (req, parm))
 				self.curs.execute (req, parm)
Please confirm that this fix works for you. Thanks!
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Re: Python exception while running in OpenEMM

Post by maschoff »

It would be really great for us to know if the bugfix we provided in the message above works for you!
OpenEMM Maintainer
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