disconnection web interface
Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 9:39 am
Hi everybody
I have a problem with openemm web interface. My users are victim of diconnection when are using of openemm. It very current (once or twice per minute).
In the log :
and more rarely :
Thank you for your help.
I have a problem with openemm web interface. My users are victim of diconnection when are using of openemm. It very current (once or twice per minute).
In the log :
Code: Select all
ERROR [http-8080-12] org.agnitas.util.AgnUtils - no admin found in request session data
Code: Select all
org.agnitas.web.filter.SessionHijackingPreventionFilter - IP addresses does not match - invalidating session 98BBEB6E0C9150F232C3E642112FCC5E (session:, client: