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Overview Page Refreshes Over And Over...

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 12:30 am
by dschuett
I noticed that the Overview page refreshes over and over showing the hourglass and "loading..." message. It finally loads the data, but I don't know why it requires the page to refresh over and over since I'm sure it is using ajax to load the data. I first noticed this in OpenEMM 6.2, but it still has the same behavior in 2013. Anybody else having this issue?

Re: Overview Page Refreshes Over And Over...

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 6:10 pm
by maschoff
Are you able to reproduce this with the demo server at ?

Re: Overview Page Refreshes Over And Over...

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 6:32 pm
by dschuett
The demo does not reproduce this behavior. However, the demo only has 9 records, so that is not a very reliable test. Our database has over 315 mailings, which is not a lot, but it seems as if that is what is causing it.

Re: Overview Page Refreshes Over And Over...

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 8:10 pm
by captainpeter
I have noticed that placing an empty reportstyles.css in

Code: Select all

will make the page load in one go instead of the usual 3 'attempts' to build the list of 20 mailings on the overview screen.

See also this topic ... c2554.html

Could be a coincidence, it fixed the same issue in openemm2011 as well though.


Re: Overview Page Refreshes Over And Over...

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 1:57 pm
by maschoff
It could be that your browser is confused by the fact that CSS file reportstyles.css is declared in the JSP, but does not exist in the file system. Which browser and version do you use?

BTW, reportstyles.css is only needed in the commercial version EMM and provides these definitions:

Code: Select all

td.drilldown a, td.drilldown a:visited {

th.drilldown a:hover {
	text-decoration: underline;
In release 2013 R2 of OpenEMM we will include an empty file reportstyles.css to make sure your problem disappears. Thanks for pointing out your solution!