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4.4.5 Too many connections from your host.

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 8:14 am
by posbis

When I sent out our last newsletter I have seen from *-semu.log that I have a lot of softbounces like

[22.08.2013 19:21:05] 3774 INFO/00003300000000C08: Softbounce 421: #4.4.5 Too many connections from your host.

This is because our relay host (ironport) is set to accept only a certain number of incoming connections. At the end all mails have been sent
successfully after some retries but I wonder if there is a possibility in OpenEmm to set the max number of conenctions it should use when
sending the emails to the smart relay host?


Re: 4.4.5 Too many connections from your host.

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 8:40 am
by Fatalin
A possible work-around would be to limit your sendout block-size and/or change the time between mail blocks.