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auto opt-out due to blacklist
Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 4:38 pm
by sr-ska
I have found many items with user_remark "auto opt-out due to black list" in the table customer_1_binding_tbl.
What does that mean exactly?
Why and how do the users have been added to the blacklist?
Thank you already!
Re: auto opt-out due to blacklist
Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 8:12 pm
by maschoff
I searched the source code of OpenEMM and could not find expression
Are you sure that OpenEMM generates this message?
Re: auto opt-out due to blacklist
Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 10:29 am
by sr-ska
Sorry the exact entry is "auto opt-out due to
blacklist". (blacklist written together)
I am quite sure that OpenEMM generates this message.
Google shows 4 results but unfortunately does not help me: ... acklist%22
Many entries were changed at the same time.
We have sent at this times newsletters.
Thank you!
Re: auto opt-out due to blacklist
Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 9:45 am
by sr-ska
Nobody knows what that means?
Why and how do the users have been added to the blacklist?
Re: auto opt-out due to blacklist
Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 9:47 am
by maschoff
You may add recipients to the blacklist manually or via an import.
Re: auto opt-out due to blacklist
Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 10:39 am
by sr-ska
I'm pretty sure that no blacklist import was made.
I have now manually changed the users status back to 1.
Let's see if that happens again.

Re: auto opt-out due to blacklist
Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 8:50 am
by sr-ska
After sending the first newsletter are now 86 users with "user_status" = "6" and "user_remark" = "auto opt-out due to blacklist".
Newsletter sended 17:36, "change_date" of the users 17:36!
Modified date "change_date" is the same for all changed users, so that OpenEMM himself must have done changes.
Has not a clue why this happens?
We DONT add recipients manually or via an import!

Re: auto opt-out due to blacklist
Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 9:07 am
by sr-ska
After the second newsletter (other mailing list):
941 users

with user_status 6 and user_remark auto opt-out due to blacklist.
Found in:
... org/agnitas/util/Blackdata ... 6;admin=auto opt-out due to blacklist status=blacklist ...
Found in:
... org/agnitas/util/Blackdata ... 6;admin=auto opt-out due to blacklist status=blacklist ....
Found in:
Line 1: 5.9.9;0;364;0;14275;admin=auto opt-out due to blacklist status=blacklist
Line 2: 5.9.9;0;364;0;14295;admin=auto opt-out due to blacklist status=blacklist
Line 3: 5.9.9;0;364;0;14313;admin=auto opt-out due to blacklist status=blacklist
Line 4: 5.9.9;0;364;0;14325;admin=auto opt-out due to blacklist status=blacklist
Are this e-mail mabe addresses which have sent bounce mails?

Re: auto opt-out due to blacklist
Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 8:06 am
by bhcuong2008
I've experienced this.
If you put many emails into blacklist (via Import), when you sending out a mailing that its sending list contains these blacklisted emails, then the recipient's status is changed to "auto opt-out due to blacklist".
Re: auto opt-out due to blacklist
Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 12:56 pm
by sr-ska
You're right, in the blacklist was a domain "" that caused the change of the users.