First steps and configuration problems.

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First steps and configuration problems.

Post by jakub »

Dear users,
Being totally fresh here, I am asking for help as a member of non-profit organisation. We are looking for a solution to send mailing to our partners, and would like to configure OpenEMM.
We use win 7 64-bit. I installed all the programs following the instruction (2015-R2_WinInstallGuide 1.0) and log in with default nick and password to http://localhost:8080/ in my browser.
Trying to make a first mailing i got this:
What and should I configure?
I think there should be another e-mail configurated instead of agnitas'@'localhost.

I would like to give the e-mail adress and password to a program so that it could send e-mails via my domain connected with Zoho mail, where where one working e-mail account was created.
I have bought my domain at OVH company and now considering if there is a need to chande some DNS records, should I do something with them?

I would be gratefull if you could help me to solve this problem or give a piece of advise where to learn the basics.
Best Regards, Jakub
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Re: First steps and configuration problems.

Post by maschoff »

According to the error message you either did not create MySQL database openemm_cms or you did not create the database user agnitas with the necessary credentials.
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