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Reply-To Full name field

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 10:03 pm
by chanlon
I generally enter "Chris Hanlon" in this in the "Reply-To Full name" field. The recipient then gets an email with the followign headers.

From: Chris Hanlon <email address>
Reply-To: Chris Hanlon

some my clients get confused by this and try to reply to Chris@[local mailserver], Hanlon@[local mailserver].

How am I supposed to use the "Reply-To Full name" field? What is the expected output?


reply-to full name

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 9:28 am
by maschoff
Please enter your name without the ". We will include a reply-to e-mail address field in the next version so that you can enter different addresses for the sender and the reply-to field.