Statisics bug?
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 10:53 am
I created and send a newsletter via OpenEMM with some link lists (about 40 lnks; assigned to different target groups that represent topics). It seems that there is a problem with the click rate statistic. I enabled click rate tracking for all links. When I open the statistics of this mailing no link clicks are displayed. I get only the sum (total clicking subscribers). But the are no details about the links they clicked and the total number of clicks (remains 0).
The links in the newsletter mails are replaced with the correct redirect url and the redirection to the original link works without problems.
All links show up in the rdir_url_tbl. relevance for these links is 0. Where I find the click count for a link? Click counts are stored in rdir_log? The entries in this table look ok?
company_id, customer_id, mailing_id, ip_adr, change_date, url_id
1, 2797, 68,, 2007-03-16 12:51:13, 501
There are url_id, date and ip. The mailing id is ok. Maybe there is only a problem with the jsp frontend that generates the statistics pages.
A cross browser issue: If I open the statistics page in Firefox the bar of the clicking subscribers is way too long.
Maybe the real width of the bar image is used?
Thanks for any hints!
The links in the newsletter mails are replaced with the correct redirect url and the redirection to the original link works without problems.
All links show up in the rdir_url_tbl. relevance for these links is 0. Where I find the click count for a link? Click counts are stored in rdir_log? The entries in this table look ok?
company_id, customer_id, mailing_id, ip_adr, change_date, url_id
1, 2797, 68,, 2007-03-16 12:51:13, 501
There are url_id, date and ip. The mailing id is ok. Maybe there is only a problem with the jsp frontend that generates the statistics pages.
A cross browser issue: If I open the statistics page in Firefox the bar of the clicking subscribers is way too long.
Code: Select all
<img src="images/emm/one_pixel.gif" border="0" height="10" width="0"><img src="images/emm/one_pixel_h.gif" border="0" height="10" width="167401">
Thanks for any hints!