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Bugtracker [1668483]

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 2:08 pm
by christian.lang
Is there any reason why the bug with id 1668483 (& in Links) is marked with the lowest possible priority? ... tid=848488

In my Opinion resolving this Bug is quite important because it is quite common to use Links with multiple Parameters.
For example in our case we are using Typo3 to generate the HTML Newsletter. Some areas link to Newsposts and all of these links have multiple parameters. In addition it should be easy to fix this bug in the redirection service.

I hope that there will be a solution soon!

best regards,



Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 12:36 pm
by christian.lang
is there a chance that there will be a fix soon?
A quick & dirty fix could be to add a string replace from "&" to "&" in die Rdir Class. Unfortunately i don't have any experience with Ant so i am not able to compile OpenEMM :(