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Error - "No plain text version available"
Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 11:50 am
by sunny
When ever I try to send mail, it shows an error like "No plain text version available".
Can anyone help me regarding this issue?
Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 4:02 pm
by slackamp
i am getting the same error. how can i choose html only? if i put something in text module, it overrides what i have in the html module.
Your Solution
Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 2:37 pm
by Simon
To solve your problem you have to insert some content to the text version of your email. Open your mailing, click on "Content" in the headline of the mailing settings. Here you will find the link "add content" in the lowest line. Now you have to fill in some content. This might be eg. a simple plain-text version of your html content or just a sentence like "our emails are only delivered in html-format". Than click on the "save" button and you can send this email right away.
This is necessary because of the mulitpart-version of the email.

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 4:22 pm
by slackamp
like i said in my previous post, it overrides my HTML version. even if i view the e-mail in HTML my e-mail client (evolution or outlook) it only shows the text version.
target groups
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 4:48 pm
by ocb
update: Sorry, I just found the solution here:
Hi all,
I experienced the same or a similar error: Whenever I try to send a mailing with content (HTML and text) for different target groups, I get the
"Error: No Plain-Text-Version available!". When I then change the text content to "all subscribers", I get
"Error: No HTML-Version available!".
The effect is, that I cannot send mails with content for different target groups in the same mailing.
Is this a bug or do I miss something?
I'm using the VMware Image Version 5.1.0