One mailing with one action on many links?

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One mailing with one action on many links?

Post by headdunce »

So I've got all these actions triggered that fire about a dozen different emails depending on what you click on in the original email --- it's working GREAT! I am actually seeing my mail server come up a lot higher in stats for my web sites now as people click-through on the emails and my web server tracks the referrer. The idea of tracking people down and following up with them a couple hours or days after they clicked is a whole art, that's for sure -- and it works!

Anyway, what I'm wondering now is that if I send out a mailing and have all the links in the mailing triggering an action to send another email, and the person clicks on all the links in the first email, will the be followed up with one email or one email for each time they clicked on a link in the original email?

See my problem? If someone clicks on say 12 links in the original email, will they be sent 12 of the same email later?

From what I tested, it seems as if it only sends one follow up email - which is perfect! I just wanted to double check before I send this to about 40k people....

- Jim
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Post by maschoff »

Jim, good question! Since noone from the development team could give an adhoc answer we have to check the code to verify. Stay tuned!
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Post by alex78 »

Hello Jim,

a mailing is sent each time you click on a link that triggers an action based mailing.
Could you look into your log-files? Are there any exceptions like:
"executeOperation: Mailing 273 to 1 failed"
where 273 is the mailing_id of your action based mailing?

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