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PHP Form, Double Opt - In

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 9:56 am
by thinwath
Hi Guys,


We got a php formular which is used for contact between our customers. now, we want to use the formular for the openemm too. let me get this straight:

customer fills out the default field: name, street, email, land and if he checks the newsletter box, a javascript gets the values out of the formular and sets them for the openemm form.

this everything works, the openemm server gets all data: firstname, lastname, email and customized profile fields, but:

the double opt - in process, which works, if i start it from a normal local html form, doesn't want to work.

anyone some ideas? the recipient don't get the double opt-in mark in his summary.

thx for reading

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 2:24 pm
by marton

could you describe the flow more detailed?
you are writing:
if i start it from a normal local html form, doesn't want to work.
what happens exactly? did you check the points when checking the double opt in flow:
- all entries made in the db?
- confirmation email out?
- where is the form stored? on the openemm-server?
- when you test it local maybe you can´t connect to the openemm-server?

cheerio, marton

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2007 11:05 am
by thinwath

problem is solved :)

we use some profile fields, which are limited in length, so if the value is too long, openemm take the values but doesn't set the status for the double opt-in.

thats why it worked from my normal html test file, but didn't work from our php-html construct.