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Fullview - scrambling web links

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 9:58 am
by Dabbler
First off, many thanks for making this app available. I like it.

Tried the 5.0.x version, but just upgraded to 5.1 in order to have Fullview.

Followed the pdf manual instructions.

Links in the e-mail take the form: ... pr7099ryli

But links in the fullview web page take the form: ... pr7099ryli

Obviously it appears to be appending a new redirect to the old redirect. The links in fullview do not work.

Is there some config setting that fixes this?

Sorry if this is a newb question. :oops:

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 10:11 am
by Dabbler
Also just noticed that inside the preview in the admin backend, i also see a double redirect: ... z2k2w79652

Never tried to get links to work from that preview pane before. But they don't work now. :(

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:06 am
by Dabbler
Been playing around with the HTML link structure, trying to find a pattern to the redirect problems.

I created a simple test mail (only a and br tags) with a series of simple html links with the urls specifed in a variety of ways.

I then evaluated how OpenEMM processes those links in the main three display targets (Preview, E-mail, and Fullview).

Case 1:
Simple domain URL; single quotes (') in the href.
EXAMPLE: <a href=''>Link</a>
PREVIEW: Link is original (no redirect by OpenEMM)
E-MAIL: Link is original (no redirect by OpenEMM)
FULLVIEW: Link is original (no redirect by OpenEMM)

Case 2:
Simple domain URL; double quotes (") in the href.
EXAMPLE: <a href="">Link</a>
PREVIEW: Link is a working OpenEMM redirect
E-MAIL: Link is a working OpenEMM redirect
FULLVIEW: Link is a working OpenEMM redirect

Case 3:
Simple domain URL; trailing slash; single quotes (') in the href.
EXAMPLE: <a href=''>Link</a>
PREVIEW: Link is original (no redirect by OpenEMM)
E-MAIL: Link is original (no redirect by OpenEMM)
FULLVIEW: Link is original (no redirect by OpenEMM)

Case 4:
Simple domain URL; trailing slash; double quotes (") in the href.
EXAMPLE: <a href="">Link</a>
PREVIEW: Link is a non-working double redirect
E-MAIL: Link is a working redirect
FULLVIEW: Link is a non-working double redirect

Case 5:
Specific page URL; single quotes (') in the href.
EXAMPLE: <a href=''>Link</a>
PREVIEW: Link is original (no redirect by OpenEMM)
E-MAIL: Link is original (no redirect by OpenEMM)
FULLVIEW: Link is original (no redirect by OpenEMM)

Case 6:
Specific page URL; double quotes (") in the href.
EXAMPLE: <a href="">Link</a>
PREVIEW: Link is a non-working double redirect
E-MAIL: Link is a working redirect
FULLVIEW: Link is a non-working double redirect

Case 7:
Fullview URL; single quotes (') in the href.
EXAMPLE: <a href=' ... ullview</a>
PREVIEW: Link is original (not interpreted; no redirect by OpenEMM; non-functioning)
E-MAIL: Link is original (not interpreted; no redirect by OpenEMM; non-functioning)
FULLVIEW: Link is original (not interpreted; no redirect by OpenEMM; non-functioning)

Case 8:
Fullview URL; double quotes (") in the href.
EXAMPLE: <a href=" ... ullview</a>
PREVIEW: Link is a non-working double redirect
E-MAIL: Link is a working OpenEMM redirect
FULLVIEW: Link is a non-working double redirect

Case 9:
Archive URL; single quotes (') in the href.
EXAMPLE: <a href=' ... Archive</a>
PREVIEW: Link is original (not interpreted; no redirect by OpenEMM; non-functioning)
E-MAIL: Link is original (not interpreted; no redirect by OpenEMM; non-functioning)
FULLVIEW: Link is original (not interpreted; no redirect by OpenEMM; non-functioning)

Case 10:
Archive URL; using double quotes (") in the href.
EXAMPLE: <a href=" ... Archive</a>
PREVIEW: Link is a non-working double redirect
E-MAIL: Link is a working OpenEMM redirect
FULLVIEW: Link is a non-working double redirect[/b]

It appears that only the very simplest url works in all 3 display targets (preview, e-mail, fullview) and that the most common failure is a double re-direct.

Any help?

redirect problems

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 11:46 am
by maschoff
We tried to confirm this behaviour with OpenEMM 5.1- but could not. What OpenEMM version do you use?

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 6:35 pm
by Dabbler
There is only version of OpenEMM that has fullview, no?

OpenEMM 5.1.0 -- upgrade from 5.0.3 using the upgrade precedure documented at: ... lGuideRHEL

OS: CentOS 4.5

MySQL: 4.1.20 (Redhat's distribution)

JAVA: 1.6.0_01

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 6:56 pm
by maschoff
Yes, but there is a Linux and a Windows version. :-)

Your basic configuration looks just fine. I will move this thread to the bugs forum to make it easier to find other users who are affected by this problem

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 6:59 pm
by Dabbler
Contents of my company_tbl:

Code: Select all

| company_id | shortname     | description | status | timestamp           | creator_company_id | xor_key | creation_date       | notification_email | rdir_domain                     | mailloop_domain | mailtracking |
|          1 | Agnitas Admin | Agnitas     | active | 2007-07-03 12:17:43 |                  1 |         | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |                    | |                 |            1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
EDIT: yes, the is just a placeholder.

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 6:26 pm
by Dabbler
Any suggestions?

I have another newsletter to go out and fullview is needed.

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 7:12 pm
by Dabbler
Some other settings that might be relevant:

1 - Enabled utf-8 support per the wiki instructions:
Enabling UTF-8 in OpenEMM

2 - error results same for both utf-8 and ISO 8859-1 (charset config setting in Mailing setup)

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 11:35 pm
by Dabbler
utf-8 support (or lack thereof) does not affect the results.

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 11:59 pm
by Dabbler
The first working link in my tests is a very simple domain link:
<a href="">test</a>

It results in a redirect that looks like: ... wqog690bna
in both the e-mail and in fullview mode.

ALL subsequent redirects in fullview contain this original redirect with the new redirect appended to it. For example: ... wqog690bna:8080/r.html?uid=1.b.spn.yc.cob09nldlz

ALSO, the second (appended) redirect for the broken fullview links,
(in the example above: ":8080/r.html?uid=1.b.spn.yc.cob09nldlz")
is the same as the correct redirect for that particular link in the delivered e-mail: ... cob09nldlz

So it appears that the correct redirect is being added to the "base" link, but that the base domain link is incorrectly retaining a redirect.

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 1:51 pm
by alex78

which browser do you use? ( OS, browser, version)
And could you also post a full email text so we can test it on our test environment.

The OpenEMM Team

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 8:18 pm
by Dabbler
Versions of required components that we are using:

CentOS 4.5
Sendmail 8.13.1-3.2.el4
MySQL: 4.1.20 (Redhat's distribution)
JDK: 1.6.0_01
Python 2.3.4

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 8:38 pm
by Dabbler
alex78 wrote:which browser do you use? ( OS, browser, version)
And could you also post a full email text so we can test it on our test environment.
The OpenEMM Team
Thank you for your response. :D

I currently use Windows XP Pro 2002 SP2 for my desktop.
I also have access to Mac OSX 10.4 (and Linux 4/5 if needed).

I use IE 6 and IE 7 for browser access to the OEMM admin area.
I have JRE version 1.5.0_06 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM installed.

I also have Firefox and Opera 9.0.0 installed on Windows.

I have viewed the fullview examples with IE 6/7, Firefox, and Opera from Windows XP.

On the Mac both Camino (a Firefox variant) and Omniweb (Safari variant) are used.

Viewing the fullview web page from different browsers shows the same double redirect errors in all cases.

Let me know if you need additional information.

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 8:44 pm
by Dabbler
Here is the html content of the test mailing:

Code: Select all

<!-- LINK TEST --><br />
<a href=''>LINK</a> (1q)<br />
<br />

<a href="">LINK</a> (2q)<br />
<br />

<a href=''>LINK</a> (1q/)<br />
<br />

<a href="">LINK</a> (2q/)<br />
<br />

<a href=''>LINK</a> (1q/.html)<br />
<br />

<a href="">LINK</a> (2q/.html)<br />
<br />

Trouble viewing? <a href=''>Click here.</a> (1q)<br />
<br />

Trouble viewing? <a href="">Click here.</a> (2q)<br />
<br />

Hot Topics archive. <a href=''>Click here.</a> (1q)<br />
<br />

Hot Topics archive. <a href="">Click here.</a> (2q)

    <li><a href="">Example 1</a></li>
    <li><a href="">Example 2</a></li>
Obviously, is a placeholder.

We use OpenEMM for a non-www domain: "" if that makes a difference.